Hanakage is the sequel to Hanamachi Monogatari. Once again featuring artwork by Noboru Takatsuki, this game takes place a few years after the original. There are both new characters and older versions of characters from the original game.
Below, you'll find some more art from the game that I could safely post here. There seem to be more explicit scenes in this game than the first one.
noboru takatsuki,
video games,
On Analysis Special Edition: Maguindanao Massacre
Its been 4 days since this said incident, I decided to analyze this situation for two reasons: one, this is a serious topic about human rights and two, I noticed that this incident showed how cruel and brutal most people are that to the extent that they will mutilate the body in an extreme degree, and I want to reexamine our values as human beings.
This topic is all over the headlines, TV, radio and in the internet, the massacre of 57 people, and as of press time, still counting, for the sake of preventing someone to take the throne away from them. I will not go on to the bigger details, but I will summarize the big picture into one sentence. This massacre is worst than Hitler’s consecration camps, cannibal films and terrorist attacks. This massacre showed us that the possibility of us humans to do something extreme, heck, it is better described as inhuman for the sake of power.
Like the song by Gloc9 entitled Upuan (literally translated as Chair), there is one part of the song that says that if there is a chance, this said chair is fought by many people that is why the one currently seating on the chair protects it like it is his own life. The scenario happened to this case, the culprits, who are seating, clinging on to their power wants to stay longer that is why they did this certain act; unimaginable because of it’s brutally.
As of now, the government has no said action in this case. Considering the fact that it is OBVIOUS that they are the culprit, they still do ways and means to slow down the investigation, considering the FACT that the said culprit is a crony and that caused a landslide victory of the administration in the previous election.
After watching the news yesterday, hearing what my teacher’s opinion and opinions coming from the press, I examined myself, is there a being capable of doing this kind of crime? The only people I can cite doing it are those people living outside of the modern civilization and those people living in the caves back in the prehistoric times. Have we lost our values as humans? Or are we returning to our previous state, better known as cavemen? Or are we humans overprotective of our power?
The age of monarchy is over in our country, the Philippines, we should give others a chance to rule if they will rule for the sake of the people. If the said official wants to stay in the said position, do it in a clean way by the polls. Let the people decide if they still want the said person to stay in their position or they want them out. I think those guys forget the principle of what Democracy, 2010 Elections is all about. Democracy is the rule of the people and not the rule of a few. Democracy is about serving the people, for their sake and not for the sake of the sake of the money that will later corrupt their filthy pockets.
This topic is all over the headlines, TV, radio and in the internet, the massacre of 57 people, and as of press time, still counting, for the sake of preventing someone to take the throne away from them. I will not go on to the bigger details, but I will summarize the big picture into one sentence. This massacre is worst than Hitler’s consecration camps, cannibal films and terrorist attacks. This massacre showed us that the possibility of us humans to do something extreme, heck, it is better described as inhuman for the sake of power.
Like the song by Gloc9 entitled Upuan (literally translated as Chair), there is one part of the song that says that if there is a chance, this said chair is fought by many people that is why the one currently seating on the chair protects it like it is his own life. The scenario happened to this case, the culprits, who are seating, clinging on to their power wants to stay longer that is why they did this certain act; unimaginable because of it’s brutally.
As of now, the government has no said action in this case. Considering the fact that it is OBVIOUS that they are the culprit, they still do ways and means to slow down the investigation, considering the FACT that the said culprit is a crony and that caused a landslide victory of the administration in the previous election.
After watching the news yesterday, hearing what my teacher’s opinion and opinions coming from the press, I examined myself, is there a being capable of doing this kind of crime? The only people I can cite doing it are those people living outside of the modern civilization and those people living in the caves back in the prehistoric times. Have we lost our values as humans? Or are we returning to our previous state, better known as cavemen? Or are we humans overprotective of our power?
The age of monarchy is over in our country, the Philippines, we should give others a chance to rule if they will rule for the sake of the people. If the said official wants to stay in the said position, do it in a clean way by the polls. Let the people decide if they still want the said person to stay in their position or they want them out. I think those guys forget the principle of what Democracy, 2010 Elections is all about. Democracy is the rule of the people and not the rule of a few. Democracy is about serving the people, for their sake and not for the sake of the sake of the money that will later corrupt their filthy pockets.
More Cade Skywalker
Here are some more scans of the hot bounty hunter and Luke Skywalker descendant from Star Wars Legacy. In addition, I've also included a scan of Cade's hot partner. Once again, pencils are done by Jan Duursema.
cade skywalker,
star wars
Escaflowne is one of the more beloved anime series of the 1990s. It mixes fantasy, sci-fi, mecha, and romance to tell the story of a girl whisked away to another world. The movie version is notable because it's a reimagining of the anime series as opposed to a sequel or a side story.
Both the anime series and the movie are available from Bandai Entertainment.
Image Archive (.zip): MF
First Two Weeks of the Second Semester. Groan. Part II.
With no further ado, here is part 2.
Week 2.
Monday, start of second week.
Subjects: PE for 3 hours, Management for an hour, Religious Studies for an hour, Business Math for an hour and English for an hour.
I arrived late for about 10 minutes. Prof is still not here. I waited for a few more minutes, slowly; a teacher came and asks if this is his class. We replied no. We waited. Another teacher arrived and asked the same thing. Same reply. After a few more minutes, we discovered that the teacher teaching on top of the bleachers is supposed to be our teacher and the second teacher that asked us is supposed to be their teacher! Great. Since our supposed teacher is teaching the class on the bleacher, they have no choice but to switch class.
With our new teacher, we went to the other side and started writing on an attendance sheet and said that in this semester, we will have two parts, first is team sports and the second is dance. She will be our prof for the first half which is team sports and at the middle of our midterm we will start dance.
She then introduced what team sport we will play and that is, volleyball. Great, I suck in volleyball. She ended the class early, about two hours early. Sweet. I decided to return home to put my PE uniform in the wash bin. Returned home, put the clothes in the wash bin and went to the bake shop to buy bread and the change, since I don’t have change, my aunt agreed that the change will be my fare. Returned school.
Nothing significant happened in Management. We just have a lecture, watch videos from her laptop, end of class. Lunch. After I ate my lunch, I went to the café and spend my time. I returned to the classroom at exactly 12:30pm. I saw that they are starting. Great, I am sorta late again.
The new prof has this sort of Chinese accent. After a few more observations, indeed he has a Chinese accent! Wow. Two Chinese accented teachers every MWF! It’s a first. I gave my paper where it has all the basic information our teacher asked. He did his short interview and I answered what I can answer. After a short discussion, he ended the class.
The last two classes have no significant event whatsoever.
Subjects: Accounting for three hours and History with Politics for one hour.
Nothing significant that happened in Accounting… except that we have an assignment.
I arrived 30 minutes late in History class because I thought classes start at 12:30pm! (Note to self: Always check your schedule twice.) After I gave my paper with all the basic information he needed, he asked me questions and I answered them. After he finished with interviewing all of the students, he started discussing the subject. He said that we will not discuss the lessons we discussed in elementary and high school, instead he will discuss the politics within our history. Sweet. I am really interested with politics! After discussing the course of the subject, he started saying his experiences… while cracking jokes. After he ended his class, I notice something, he speaks coherent Tagalog.
I asked one of my classmates why, he replied that he came from Manila and he once teach in UST. No wonder. Aside from being a lawyer, he is sidelining as a teacher! Multitasking for more money! Cool.
Subjects: Group Guidance for one hour, Management for one hour, Religious Studies for one hour Business Math for one hour and English for one hour.
There are only two significant events that happened during the day. One is that I am late in GG and two, I learned that we have a different classroom for RS and we how strict in terms of assignment our teacher is.
First in GG, I remembered that we have an activity and for crying out loud, I forgot to buy ¼ illustration board! After I arrived to school, I went to the bookstore, buy the illustration board and pay it and then, rushed to the classroom. I notice that they are busy doing their work. I started doing my work; I wasn’t able to finish it. After that, I continued my work and finally finished it, I went to her office and pass it and apologized that I didn’t color my work. She replied that it is Ok.
Now, on RS; I was waiting for the students inside the classroom where we were supposed to have our RS class. I noticed that my classmates are heading towards another direction, I followed them, we have different classroom… and it’s air-conditioned! After taking a seat, after a few minutes, he arrived, started his lecture and gave us an assignment. He started orienting about the assignment. He said that if we only filled ½ of the yellow pad sheet, you will only get ½ of the total score which is 10. In short, you will get five points, but if we fill the entire yellow pad sheet, we will get 10 points. Wow. So all I need to do is to fill the entire yellow pad sheet with all the info I will find to have 10 points?! Cool. Also he said that we have a limit of 5 recitations. Wow. It’s a first.
Subjects: Accounting for three hours and History with Politics for one hour.
I entered the classroom mentioned in the schedule; it’s the same computer laboratory like that of last year. I decided to seat in front for me to better listen and understand the lecture. After discussing the assignment, he started the lecture. He didn’t give us an assignment and ended the class.
I arrived 3 minutes late in class and he is waiting for the other students to arrive. Woot! I am not alone! I asked my classmate an index card and filled it up. Passed to sir and we waited. I studied a little about the subject for today. Today is our first oral recitation.
He shuffled the cards, and he picked 5 cards. I am part of the first five! How lucky. After a few minutes, it my turn to speak, he asked that if the said ordinance is part of the constitution, I replied that it is not because it’s not a national law and in my own opinion, all national laws are part of the constitution.
He asked me if the law about Violence against Women and Children Act is part of the constitution, I replied, yes. He said that all of us to take a seat. Whew. That was heart stopping. After he called the next 5, he said that I almost got the answer! Shoot! After the other 5 speak, he said that the said law is not part of the constitution but born from it according to the supreme doctrine if my memory is correct that my classmate mentioned.
Subjects: Same subjects as Monday and Wednesday less Group Guidance.
Nothing significant.
Subject: NSTP
The class started with something weird. She asked us what we think when we heard the word man and woman. She wrote the words in the board and asked us to write something in the corner where the words man and woman is place. At first no one participated, since no one participated, I stood up and wrote the first word under the man corner and that is, leader.
Slowly, more volunteered and the battle of the sexes began. That scene was very entertaining. When someone wrote something horrible or opposing to the other sex, one will stood up and write something opposing in the opposite sex.
After the scene ended, she started switching the names of the two corners. The man corner became the woman corner and the woman corner became the man corner. She then said that we will cross out that is similar. Example, men are heartbreakers, since the men side is now women side; it is now women are heartbreakers. If it is true, she will cross it out, and yes, it is true. Women are heartbreakers.
After she crossed out all the similar terms in both side, she started discussing the topic. After her discussion, break. The break ended and we return to the classroom, we will have a group work. Each group must have one boy and two girls. We will roam around in the campus and ask a couple of strangers what is the first thing that comes in their mind when they hear the word, boy or girl and state the reason. The bell rang and she said that we will pass the paper in her office. After copying the assignment to be passed on Thursday via e-mail or handwritten, I asked if there is a group who needs a male. One group needs one; I joined them and started the work.
While roaming around, I notice a bunch of girls reading manga, as a curious otaku, I will do my duty! The titles are: The Wallflower (Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge/YamaNade/Yamato Nadeshiko: The Wallflower), Fruits Basket and an unknown shojo manga which in own opinion based on the cover has a dashing guy like Tuxedo Mask of Sailor Moon that will rescue the girl.
After talking to the girls (which I find cute), my classmate asked, what if we will use these girls for our NSTP. I liked the idea but I am shy to ask them, I said that I can only communicate wit these girls if it is anime related. She said, think of it as anime. Okaay. With all my courage, I ask them if we can interview them for our NSTP. They agreed.
After my classmate interviewed a stranger? (I am sure if that person is a stranger.), we started interviewing the three girls. Later on, another stranger appeared, and asked him if we can interview him for our NSTP, he agreed. We just hit 4 birds in one stone! Now I know that my being an anime fan has other uses.
Week 2.
Monday, start of second week.
Subjects: PE for 3 hours, Management for an hour, Religious Studies for an hour, Business Math for an hour and English for an hour.
I arrived late for about 10 minutes. Prof is still not here. I waited for a few more minutes, slowly; a teacher came and asks if this is his class. We replied no. We waited. Another teacher arrived and asked the same thing. Same reply. After a few more minutes, we discovered that the teacher teaching on top of the bleachers is supposed to be our teacher and the second teacher that asked us is supposed to be their teacher! Great. Since our supposed teacher is teaching the class on the bleacher, they have no choice but to switch class.
With our new teacher, we went to the other side and started writing on an attendance sheet and said that in this semester, we will have two parts, first is team sports and the second is dance. She will be our prof for the first half which is team sports and at the middle of our midterm we will start dance.
She then introduced what team sport we will play and that is, volleyball. Great, I suck in volleyball. She ended the class early, about two hours early. Sweet. I decided to return home to put my PE uniform in the wash bin. Returned home, put the clothes in the wash bin and went to the bake shop to buy bread and the change, since I don’t have change, my aunt agreed that the change will be my fare. Returned school.
Nothing significant happened in Management. We just have a lecture, watch videos from her laptop, end of class. Lunch. After I ate my lunch, I went to the café and spend my time. I returned to the classroom at exactly 12:30pm. I saw that they are starting. Great, I am sorta late again.
The new prof has this sort of Chinese accent. After a few more observations, indeed he has a Chinese accent! Wow. Two Chinese accented teachers every MWF! It’s a first. I gave my paper where it has all the basic information our teacher asked. He did his short interview and I answered what I can answer. After a short discussion, he ended the class.
The last two classes have no significant event whatsoever.
Subjects: Accounting for three hours and History with Politics for one hour.
Nothing significant that happened in Accounting… except that we have an assignment.
I arrived 30 minutes late in History class because I thought classes start at 12:30pm! (Note to self: Always check your schedule twice.) After I gave my paper with all the basic information he needed, he asked me questions and I answered them. After he finished with interviewing all of the students, he started discussing the subject. He said that we will not discuss the lessons we discussed in elementary and high school, instead he will discuss the politics within our history. Sweet. I am really interested with politics! After discussing the course of the subject, he started saying his experiences… while cracking jokes. After he ended his class, I notice something, he speaks coherent Tagalog.
I asked one of my classmates why, he replied that he came from Manila and he once teach in UST. No wonder. Aside from being a lawyer, he is sidelining as a teacher! Multitasking for more money! Cool.
Subjects: Group Guidance for one hour, Management for one hour, Religious Studies for one hour Business Math for one hour and English for one hour.
There are only two significant events that happened during the day. One is that I am late in GG and two, I learned that we have a different classroom for RS and we how strict in terms of assignment our teacher is.
First in GG, I remembered that we have an activity and for crying out loud, I forgot to buy ¼ illustration board! After I arrived to school, I went to the bookstore, buy the illustration board and pay it and then, rushed to the classroom. I notice that they are busy doing their work. I started doing my work; I wasn’t able to finish it. After that, I continued my work and finally finished it, I went to her office and pass it and apologized that I didn’t color my work. She replied that it is Ok.
Now, on RS; I was waiting for the students inside the classroom where we were supposed to have our RS class. I noticed that my classmates are heading towards another direction, I followed them, we have different classroom… and it’s air-conditioned! After taking a seat, after a few minutes, he arrived, started his lecture and gave us an assignment. He started orienting about the assignment. He said that if we only filled ½ of the yellow pad sheet, you will only get ½ of the total score which is 10. In short, you will get five points, but if we fill the entire yellow pad sheet, we will get 10 points. Wow. So all I need to do is to fill the entire yellow pad sheet with all the info I will find to have 10 points?! Cool. Also he said that we have a limit of 5 recitations. Wow. It’s a first.
Subjects: Accounting for three hours and History with Politics for one hour.
I entered the classroom mentioned in the schedule; it’s the same computer laboratory like that of last year. I decided to seat in front for me to better listen and understand the lecture. After discussing the assignment, he started the lecture. He didn’t give us an assignment and ended the class.
I arrived 3 minutes late in class and he is waiting for the other students to arrive. Woot! I am not alone! I asked my classmate an index card and filled it up. Passed to sir and we waited. I studied a little about the subject for today. Today is our first oral recitation.
He shuffled the cards, and he picked 5 cards. I am part of the first five! How lucky. After a few minutes, it my turn to speak, he asked that if the said ordinance is part of the constitution, I replied that it is not because it’s not a national law and in my own opinion, all national laws are part of the constitution.
He asked me if the law about Violence against Women and Children Act is part of the constitution, I replied, yes. He said that all of us to take a seat. Whew. That was heart stopping. After he called the next 5, he said that I almost got the answer! Shoot! After the other 5 speak, he said that the said law is not part of the constitution but born from it according to the supreme doctrine if my memory is correct that my classmate mentioned.
Subjects: Same subjects as Monday and Wednesday less Group Guidance.
Nothing significant.
Subject: NSTP
The class started with something weird. She asked us what we think when we heard the word man and woman. She wrote the words in the board and asked us to write something in the corner where the words man and woman is place. At first no one participated, since no one participated, I stood up and wrote the first word under the man corner and that is, leader.
Slowly, more volunteered and the battle of the sexes began. That scene was very entertaining. When someone wrote something horrible or opposing to the other sex, one will stood up and write something opposing in the opposite sex.
After the scene ended, she started switching the names of the two corners. The man corner became the woman corner and the woman corner became the man corner. She then said that we will cross out that is similar. Example, men are heartbreakers, since the men side is now women side; it is now women are heartbreakers. If it is true, she will cross it out, and yes, it is true. Women are heartbreakers.
After she crossed out all the similar terms in both side, she started discussing the topic. After her discussion, break. The break ended and we return to the classroom, we will have a group work. Each group must have one boy and two girls. We will roam around in the campus and ask a couple of strangers what is the first thing that comes in their mind when they hear the word, boy or girl and state the reason. The bell rang and she said that we will pass the paper in her office. After copying the assignment to be passed on Thursday via e-mail or handwritten, I asked if there is a group who needs a male. One group needs one; I joined them and started the work.
While roaming around, I notice a bunch of girls reading manga, as a curious otaku, I will do my duty! The titles are: The Wallflower (Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge/YamaNade/Yamato Nadeshiko: The Wallflower), Fruits Basket and an unknown shojo manga which in own opinion based on the cover has a dashing guy like Tuxedo Mask of Sailor Moon that will rescue the girl.
After talking to the girls (which I find cute), my classmate asked, what if we will use these girls for our NSTP. I liked the idea but I am shy to ask them, I said that I can only communicate wit these girls if it is anime related. She said, think of it as anime. Okaay. With all my courage, I ask them if we can interview them for our NSTP. They agreed.
After my classmate interviewed a stranger? (I am sure if that person is a stranger.), we started interviewing the three girls. Later on, another stranger appeared, and asked him if we can interview him for our NSTP, he agreed. We just hit 4 birds in one stone! Now I know that my being an anime fan has other uses.
Ukiya Was Bored: Anime Film Adaptations. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
This week, I will discuss my thoughts about anime adaptations. In my own opinion, anime adaptations is Hollywood’s excuse of not having enough time to create a new story, instead they adapt an old story, hire some actors and release it with awesome special effects and in widescreen. The latest of these is Astro Boy, better known as Tetsuwan Atom by the Japanese. According to Rotten Tomatoes, their rate for it is 40%+ not bad for a Hollywood remake considering the fact that DragonBall: Evolution hit rock bottom with 13% approval!
Even though most anime adaptations are considered flop, there are good effects about it. First, is that the younger generation will have a chance to see these titles. For example, Speed Racer, this show aired back in the 70’s and currently, there are no reruns in this said show except if you stayed late at night back in the 90’s and watch it on Cartoon Network like I did. The younger generation will start asking their parents, “How cool is Speed Racer back then?” or “Is Mach 5 waaay better back then?” like that kind of questions. Kids will have an interest in the said show, and hopefully, will decide to watch it in the near future.
Now for the bad, considering the fact that most anime adapted films made by the west are not as close as the original (The only films that I say are too close to the original based on the trailers that I saw are: Speed Racer, Blood: The Last Vampire and Astro Boy), fans will go wild and rant the film. The perfect example is… *cue in drum roll* DragonBall: Evolution. When DragonBall: Evolution was released on theaters, I decided to buy a bootlegged DVD of the film, in which I dubbed the trial version, if I find the film sloppy, I will not buy the original, I find it cool, I will buy the original.
Initial observations about the film, I will not watch this film, again. Nuff said. I think Hollywood producers noticed this and decided to do something. When the rumors about the Cowboy Bebop film surfaced, fans started to buzz; will this film be as crappy as DragonBall? I think the producers heard this and asked the producers of the show to collaborate with them for the live-adaptation of Cowboy Bebop. Smart move. Now, fans will have to wait for the results if Keanu Reeves can do well as Spike Spiegel.
The ugly part about anime adaptations in which I will summarize in two words is: cash milking. The producers will sell various merchandise like cars, action figures, shirts, name it. Also, another ugly thing about it is that fans have no satisfaction with their money watching these live-actions.
There are rumors about a Death Note film and Zac Efron is said to play Light Yagami. While researching about this said bit, it is confirmed the Warner Brothers will do an American Death Note film and Zac will not play as Light. Now, all we have to do is wait if this Death Note film will be as good as its Japanese live-action counterpart and anime adaptation or it will hit rock bottom.
Mystery & Revenge. Skull Man 1970's Manga One-Shot Review.

There are dozens of mass murdering cases and catastrophes that seem to have no connection, that’s what the masses thought. A detective agency investigating those cases came into one conclusion, it is done by him. The said “him”, is a psycho calling himself, the Skull Man.
A man named Tatsuo Kagura decided to help the investigation of the said crimes. As the manga progress, we learn that Tatsuo is Skull Man and he seeks answers about the death of his parents. After killing the cop, he with his partner, Garo who has the ability to shape shift, went to the place of the person the cop mentioned, Chisato Kogetsu.
He is about to do his revenge after he revealed the reason why he kills those “innocent” people who are not connected to Chisato. He said that they are not innocent, some get money from the people, took bribes, and other possible crimes you would like to think of. Chisato said that almost all people are connected to him. Skull Man replied in a sort that sounds, I don’t give a damn, I will kill them.
Skull Man said that he will kill him and her granddaughter. Her granddaughter said to him that don’t shoot brother. Ooh, the plot thickens.
Her granddaughter, Maya then revealed that Chisato is his grandfather. The readers then learn why his grandfather killed his parents. The reason why he killed his children is the fact that his son, a brilliant man who is considered more than a genius, is doing harsh experiments and creating mutants. To stop this madness, his father decided to kill his own son and his daughter-in-law. He is planning to kill young Tatsuo but he is rescued by one of the mutants, Garo. His grandfather later adopts his sister Maya.
After revealing the truth, Chisato then reenters the house with Maya. Skull Man noticed this and entered the house. On the next panel we saw the interior burning. Chisato then said, “We were born in wrong era!” and so, on the last page, we saw fire on the site, concluding us with a tragic ending. Skull Man, Garo, Chisato and Maya died.
On to the review, in my own opinion, Skull Man is the epitome of what a manga anti-hero supposed to be. At first, I thought he is the bad guy until at the last pages of the manga revealed why he is killing people. Skull Man is like Batman with a gun with a thirst to kill those who are evil. While reading every page, I was amazed with the darkness of the manga. The first few pages have no dialog which adds more to the darkness of the work. It really captures the reader to continue on reading this. Skull Man has this sort of element that is missing to the current stream of anime and manga anti-heroes. He has a dash of mystery yet he has a lot of showmanship that the media tried to hide from the general public.
Skull Man’s main theme is revenge. Skull Man is fueled by revenge, unlike Batman, who is in my opinion is the closest thing to compare to Skull Man. Bruce Wayne used his experience of losing his parents in becoming the vigilante known as the Batman. He wants people not to experience the same fate. While Tatsuo, while he is in the same level like that of Bruce except that he will kill and he will use a gun… unlike Bats. Cool.
To sum things up, Skull Man is one heck of a manga, even though it is created back in the 70’s, it has a theme that can be adapted into this current era. Skull Man is best read by people ages 13-up simply because kids can’t handle the darkness of this masterpiece.
Manga Reviews,
Shotaro Ishinomori,
Skull Man
Recommended Link: 11/20/2009
There's only one link in today's post but it's a doozy.
In the game Dragon Age Origins, there is apparently a scenario where the main character can have sex with another man (link may be NSFW). It's awesome to see something like this in a mainstream (and critically acclaimed) game. It's nice that some developers realize that a portion of their gameplaying audience would enjoying seeing something like this.
In the game Dragon Age Origins, there is apparently a scenario where the main character can have sex with another man (link may be NSFW). It's awesome to see something like this in a mainstream (and critically acclaimed) game. It's nice that some developers realize that a portion of their gameplaying audience would enjoying seeing something like this.
video games
Assault on New Olympus
Assault on New Olympus is a one-shot featuring The Incredible Hercules and Spider-Man. I haven't read any of The Incredible Hercules before but after reading this, I want to. I definitely like Marvel's portrayal of the mythical hero.
Rodney Buchemi does the art in the scans below.
Rodney Buchemi does the art in the scans below.
captain america,
incredible hercules,
First Two Weeks of the Second Semester. Groan. Part I.
This week is my third week in the second semester in the same institution like that of first semester. Since it’s a new semester, I am expecting new classmates, new teachers and more mental workout.
Since I feel my fingers need some exercise, I decided to write down the summary of events that happened in my first two weeks in the new semester.
Week 1.
Tuesday, the start of the second sem.
Subjects: Accounting for three hours and History with Politics for one hour.
In the first day in the second semester, I arrived 5 minutes before class starts. I rushed to the stairs to my classroom. I took a deep breath, peeked at the cross-shaped hole-thing design in the door and spotted the same classmates. Nothing new.
While waiting for our professor, I continued my reading of Dracula. Prof arrived and it turned out to be the same professor like that of last year. Oh, boy.
After he arrived, after a short prayer we started out lesson. After three hours of lecture, taking down notes, I went to the cafeteria and bought my lunch. My next class is at 12nn. Since I still have time, I went to the nearest internet café and use the internet. After an hour, I have a hard time looking for the said room, until my classmates pointed out the way going to our room. Riiight.
When I arrived on the third floor, the nursing students still occupied our room where we supposed to have our class. After they left, we entered and wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Oh what the heck, it’s over fifteen minutes! A friend of mine asked me if I am leaving, I ask him if he is leaving, he replied, “Yes”. Due to peer pressure and to obvious sign that our prof will not meet us, I left the room. I returned to the café and spend 20 pesos for 2 hours use of the computer.
Wednesday, second day of the second sem.
Subjects: Group Guidance for one hour, Management for one hour, Religious Studies for one hour Business Math for one hour and English for one hour.
The only thing that I am expecting in GG this year is that she will still be our GG teacher… and she is! The topic for that day is about goals, which in my opinion is really helpful. She left us with homework to be passed next week.
I arrived early in my management class, and entered the room with my classmates. I picked my seat and observed their faces. Boy, we have new faces. The teacher arrived. She started writing on the board. She is Chinese. Also the way she speaks has this certain Chinese accent. After she introduced herself, one by one, we introduced ourselves. After the short introduction we have a short discussion. End of classes. Lunch.
Next class is Religious Studies, same case with History with Politics except that I am wishing that we have a different prof. Fifteen minutes has passed, prof is MIA. Missing in Action. I left the room and bought a Cloud 9 bar, returned to the classroom and read Dracula till it is almost time for the next class.
Since I feel my fingers need some exercise, I decided to write down the summary of events that happened in my first two weeks in the new semester.
Week 1.
Tuesday, the start of the second sem.
Subjects: Accounting for three hours and History with Politics for one hour.
In the first day in the second semester, I arrived 5 minutes before class starts. I rushed to the stairs to my classroom. I took a deep breath, peeked at the cross-shaped hole-thing design in the door and spotted the same classmates. Nothing new.
While waiting for our professor, I continued my reading of Dracula. Prof arrived and it turned out to be the same professor like that of last year. Oh, boy.
After he arrived, after a short prayer we started out lesson. After three hours of lecture, taking down notes, I went to the cafeteria and bought my lunch. My next class is at 12nn. Since I still have time, I went to the nearest internet café and use the internet. After an hour, I have a hard time looking for the said room, until my classmates pointed out the way going to our room. Riiight.
When I arrived on the third floor, the nursing students still occupied our room where we supposed to have our class. After they left, we entered and wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Oh what the heck, it’s over fifteen minutes! A friend of mine asked me if I am leaving, I ask him if he is leaving, he replied, “Yes”. Due to peer pressure and to obvious sign that our prof will not meet us, I left the room. I returned to the café and spend 20 pesos for 2 hours use of the computer.
Wednesday, second day of the second sem.
Subjects: Group Guidance for one hour, Management for one hour, Religious Studies for one hour Business Math for one hour and English for one hour.
The only thing that I am expecting in GG this year is that she will still be our GG teacher… and she is! The topic for that day is about goals, which in my opinion is really helpful. She left us with homework to be passed next week.
I arrived early in my management class, and entered the room with my classmates. I picked my seat and observed their faces. Boy, we have new faces. The teacher arrived. She started writing on the board. She is Chinese. Also the way she speaks has this certain Chinese accent. After she introduced herself, one by one, we introduced ourselves. After the short introduction we have a short discussion. End of classes. Lunch.
Next class is Religious Studies, same case with History with Politics except that I am wishing that we have a different prof. Fifteen minutes has passed, prof is MIA. Missing in Action. I left the room and bought a Cloud 9 bar, returned to the classroom and read Dracula till it is almost time for the next class.
Next class is Business Math. Since this is Business Math, I am expecting that it is like Accounting less the journalizing. And I was right! First lesson is about Interest! Sweet. The part is we can use calculator! Double sweetness. After her class, I went to the café and rented used the internet, stayed for 50 minutes and left.
Next class is English. New teacher and she explained that it is English w/ Research. Noooo! Another reason why decided to take up Accountancy is to run away from the subject known as Research. I failed. She explained that Research is everywhere and you cannot escape from it. Great, just great.
Thursday, third day in the second sem.
Subjects: Same as Tuesday.
To sum things up, what happened in Tuesday happened in Thursday, nothing special.
Friday, fourth day in the second sem.
Subjects: Same subjects as Wednesday less Group Guidance.
Since I have no 7:30 subject, I woke up late, watch TV (To be exact, I watched Kirby Right Back at Ya!, Hunter X Hunter Greed Island and Bleach) and arrived 2 minutes late in class. After her lecture in Management, its importance and its functions, we watched videos stored in her PC, most of her videos are funny commercials. Cool. Love the Tibetan monk themed Pepsi commercial and the Rexona commercial. Smooth hair, FTW!
Same events that happened later on, nothing important to discuss.
Saturday, fifth day in the second sem.
Subject: NSTP
My wish came true! She is still our NSTP teacher! Woohoo! Since we are dismissed early, nothing cool or significant that happened during that day aside that I started writing the first On Analysis post in my blog.
Next class is English. New teacher and she explained that it is English w/ Research. Noooo! Another reason why decided to take up Accountancy is to run away from the subject known as Research. I failed. She explained that Research is everywhere and you cannot escape from it. Great, just great.
Thursday, third day in the second sem.
Subjects: Same as Tuesday.
To sum things up, what happened in Tuesday happened in Thursday, nothing special.
Friday, fourth day in the second sem.
Subjects: Same subjects as Wednesday less Group Guidance.
Since I have no 7:30 subject, I woke up late, watch TV (To be exact, I watched Kirby Right Back at Ya!, Hunter X Hunter Greed Island and Bleach) and arrived 2 minutes late in class. After her lecture in Management, its importance and its functions, we watched videos stored in her PC, most of her videos are funny commercials. Cool. Love the Tibetan monk themed Pepsi commercial and the Rexona commercial. Smooth hair, FTW!
Same events that happened later on, nothing important to discuss.
Saturday, fifth day in the second sem.
Subject: NSTP
My wish came true! She is still our NSTP teacher! Woohoo! Since we are dismissed early, nothing cool or significant that happened during that day aside that I started writing the first On Analysis post in my blog.
That’s the summary of the events that happened on Week one. Week two coming up next!
The Newest Superhero… Before! Kapitan Sino Book Review.

A repairman named Rogelio discovered that he has superpowers. His friend, Bok-bok persuades him to use his powers to help people… and he did. At first, he appeared as a naked ninja thanks to his shirt wrapped around his face. Later, his friend, Tessa created his costume, allowing Tessa to discover his secret. His first attempt to save people as the guy with a silver costume was failure, turned out to be a shooting of a film. The real crime happened somewhere not near in the film shooting.
… That is the first time it happened… or so he thought. As he continues to fight wrong doers, people named him Kapitan Sino. As Kapitan Sino, he saved countless lives, like any other run on the mill superhero. But we forget one thing. Remember, this is a Bob Ong book and most of his books target society and politics as a whole.
The entire turning point of the novel is the death of Tessa, his love. Like what Regelio’s father pointed out, superheroes are also humans; they can’t save everyone especially the one they truly cherish. As we are reaching at the climax of the novel, Rogelio was arrested because of one stupid reason. You will laugh if I will write what is that said reason! While inside jail, a terrible disease broke out. Later it is found out that Rogelio’s blood is the cure. His blood saved countless lives but he didn’t survive. He became a hero as Rogelio and not as Kapitan Sino. Rogelio died a hero’s death.
At the end of the novel, we found out that Bok-bok survived and Pelaez returned into its old way of living.
On to the review, Kapitan Sino is in my own opinion, is one of the best books Bob Ong has written. Before I read this, I thought his non-fiction works are his best works. I was proven wrong. This book had a spectacular plot, and a concept so rare that the only one graphic novel/movie comes in my mind when I heard the term, deconstructing, humanizing superheroes, and that is, Watchmen.
Like I said earlier, this is a Bob Ong book, thus it had sociological and political implications. A perfect example of these implications is the part where it is revealed that the kind-hearted mayor turned out to be a monster with a son who has an appetite for too much protein (Note: I will not reveal what kind of protein is it. It would ruin the fun factor!). After his death, instead of remembering the humble deeds he did as a citizen, the citizens only remembered him as the monster that Kapitan Sino defeated.
Bob Ong made his readers realize that superheroes are also humans. Humans who have weaknesses, who have doubts, who have fears and who have desires. Kapitan Sino made me realize that we look up to superheroes because we want to so something but we can’t because we think of our weaknesses and our own personal doubts.
Bob Ong,
Book Reviews,
Kapitan Sino
Get Backers: Manga Style
When the guys of Get Backers were first posted, the focus was solely on the (gorgeous) anime artwork. Now, it's time to spotlight the original manga.
The original manga was written by Yuya Aoki and illustrated by Rando Ayamine. Tokyopop was releasing the manga in America but has lost the rights.
The original manga was written by Yuya Aoki and illustrated by Rando Ayamine. Tokyopop was releasing the manga in America but has lost the rights.
Image Archive (.zip): MF
get backers,
Revisiting Taishi Zaou
Taishi Zaou (aka Mikiyo Tsuda) is one of my favorite yaoi manga artists. I haven't posted much of her stuff since the Artist Spotlight post back in 2008, so I felt it was time to feature some more artwork. There's a mixture of manga and novel illustrations in this post.
Image Archive (.zip): MF
taishi zaou,
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