Ukiya Was Bored: Anime Film Adaptations. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Author's initial comments before he learned that Cowboy Bebop staff are part of the production team.

This week, I will discuss my thoughts about anime adaptations. In my own opinion, anime adaptations is Hollywood’s excuse of not having enough time to create a new story, instead they adapt an old story, hire some actors and release it with awesome special effects and in widescreen. The latest of these is Astro Boy, better known as Tetsuwan Atom by the Japanese. According to Rotten Tomatoes, their rate for it is 40%+ not bad for a Hollywood remake considering the fact that DragonBall: Evolution hit rock bottom with 13% approval!

Even though most anime adaptations are considered flop, there are good effects about it. First, is that the younger generation will have a chance to see these titles. For example, Speed Racer, this show aired back in the 70’s and currently, there are no reruns in this said show except if you stayed late at night back in the 90’s and watch it on Cartoon Network like I did. The younger generation will start asking their parents, “How cool is Speed Racer back then?” or “Is Mach 5 waaay better back then?” like that kind of questions. Kids will have an interest in the said show, and hopefully, will decide to watch it in the near future.

Now for the bad, considering the fact that most anime adapted films made by the west are not as close as the original (The only films that I say are too close to the original based on the trailers that I saw are: Speed Racer, Blood: The Last Vampire and Astro Boy), fans will go wild and rant the film. The perfect example is… *cue in drum roll* DragonBall: Evolution. When DragonBall: Evolution was released on theaters, I decided to buy a bootlegged DVD of the film, in which I dubbed the trial version, if I find the film sloppy, I will not buy the original, I find it cool, I will buy the original.

Initial observations about the film, I will not watch this film, again. Nuff said. I think Hollywood producers noticed this and decided to do something. When the rumors about the Cowboy Bebop film surfaced, fans started to buzz; will this film be as crappy as DragonBall? I think the producers heard this and asked the producers of the show to collaborate with them for the live-adaptation of Cowboy Bebop. Smart move. Now, fans will have to wait for the results if Keanu Reeves can do well as Spike Spiegel.

The ugly part about anime adaptations in which I will summarize in two words is: cash milking. The producers will sell various merchandise like cars, action figures, shirts, name it. Also, another ugly thing about it is that fans have no satisfaction with their money watching these live-actions.

There are rumors about a Death Note film and Zac Efron is said to play Light Yagami. While researching about this said bit, it is confirmed the Warner Brothers will do an American Death Note film and Zac will not play as Light. Now, all we have to do is wait if this Death Note film will be as good as its Japanese live-action counterpart and anime adaptation or it will hit rock bottom.