BeeTV has officially released the first episode of this mobile drama, Death Game Park which features Masahiro Inoue, who is best known for tokusatsu fans as Kamen Rider Decade/Tsukasa Kadoya and Tori Matsuzaka best known as ShinkenRed/Takeru Chiba.
Here's a summary from this source:
"Death Game Park" is an action thriller reminiscent of Kinji Fukasaku's "Battle Royale." A group of young adults have been forced to participate in a "death game" for an unknown purpose. Unable to call for help, they have to muster their strength in order to survive and find a way to escape.With no further ado, here is the first episode of Death Park Game.
To be honest, even if it is in Japanese and I can't understand what they are saying, the show had a slow start. Based on my experiences with shows that has a slow start, these shows are pretty good. I can't wait for the next ep!