FMA: Brotherhood 47 - Pride, Daddy Issues, and Child Abuse

Because of my crappy TV5 signal, I wasn't able to watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood like I planned. Even though I am watching it via, it felt like I am watching anime raws. The most logical thing to do is download the eps, watch it and watch it again in an another computer with audio... so yeah.

Anyways, back at the episode. Previously, Pride has arrived with Gluttony, body jacked Al's body and right now, we are revealed that he is in an trance and talking to someone.

Meanwhile, Ed, Greed-Ling and those two chimeras are going to some town in which they know that Hohenheim is there. Yes, since this is Ed we are talking about and we know his daddy issues, he punched his dad. 

The Possession of Alphonse Elric.

After learning the truth about his father and delivers his message coming from Pinako about his mom's last words, he left. The party is now headed to Central, and by their surprise, Al is there... and like I said, he was body jacked by Pride.

Dynamic Entry

Enough with the short summary, here's what I liked about the episode. Aside from the fact of seeing good ol' Ling back, Lan Fan's entrance was epic. I mean, she used her newly created Automail to fight Gluttony! Seeing Ed punched his own father was rude and second, good.

First things first, we know that Ed has some issues regarding his father so its natural that he will punch him to "lighten up" his hurt feelings towards him. Add the fact the he learned that his father is a living Philosopher's Stone, that would rather give me a hard time accepting him as his own father. Speaking of Hohenheim, we saw his other side again this time, weeping for Trisha's last message.

Child abuse ensues.

One of the things that I liked about this episode is more action from the chimeras which I tend to forgot their names considering that they never did anything major until now. Seriously, seeing Heinkel (The lion chimera) beat up Pride, a homunculus who is stuck inside a body of a kid, felt like the scene was a child abuse scene and there is one scene in which we saw how innocent looking Pride is.

Aside from certain spaces, Pride's obvious weakness, the lack of light is being emphasized in this episode and it was both an advantage and disadvantage on both parties. Advantage because considering that Pride is using shadows, they can easily beat him, disadvantage because they can't see anything... but in Gluttony's case, he can smell them and on Ling's case, he can sense them.

Overall, the episode was decent, not that spectacular but worth talking about.