Marvel Anime: Wolverine 07 – Miyuki and Kai

Vadhaka, a statue version of the Hulk except he is not green...

Even though the episode’s title is Vadhaka, which is the giant that Logan fought, that segment in this episode is really, really lame. It felt like Logan is just fighting some second-rate version of the Hulk, which is a better opponent in my opinion! So let’s talk to the best thing in this episode, what happened underground.

Under Madripoor, Logan met a man named Koh who has the same grudge with the Kurohagis and apparently, he is one of the heads of the city before Shingen came into picture! And so, he wants to get his city back thus, he is staging a rebellion against Kurohagi. But what makes this grudge much stronger is what happened years ago.

To be honest, it is one of the episodes of this series that I find unwatchable, but thanks to the flashback, it saved this episode. Let’s go back to the flashback, after weeks of not telling us who are Yukio’s parents, finally they revealed their names! They are Miyuki, who is back then working with Shingen and Kai who is Koh’s son. And since both of them are similar in many ways, Miyuki never got the chance to kill Koh like she was ordered to do, but fell in love with Kai.

This is the aspect in this episode that I liked, people who are working underground that ended up falling for each other even if they are on different sides. It has this Romeo and Juliet aspect except it is not cheesy but more angst. Later on, they will battle Shingen and his men and in my opinion, the battle of our lovers versus those foot soldiers is fun to watch compared to this generic Hulk also, I love how it ended even if it felt like some scene that happened at episode 2.

Also in this episode, our generic assassin arrives in Madripoor looking for Logan. So yeah, he is still as generic like last time we saw him. Now to the fight that happened in this episode, as I said, it felt like Logan is fighting a bad version of the Hulk, which is a big disappointment in my part. Luckily, the events that happened later made this episode watchable!

Overall, this is a mediocre episode of Wolverine. If not for the back story, this episode would not be that good even if we got decent Logan action with Yukio doing some back-up and end up being captured by Kurohagi!