Level E 09 – Love me tender

This calls for a Phoenix Wright reference!

In this episode, we learned that the guy from the previous episode is really a she! Also, we learned that Princess Saki is actually smarter and decisive than our men in black, and she is as dedicated about love as ever.

Well, except for this one.

This is one of the rare episodes that the Prince actually never trolls us, no seriously, he doesn’t troll us. Instead, he is helpful with everyone and actually has plans on saving the human race in every way. The closest thing we have for a Prince troll is in the last few minutes of this episode in which he tells Craft the OTHER method on saving Mikihisa… and he was traumatized.

The concept regarding Mikihisa is quite similar to Gen Otoda, a character that Togashi created prior to Yu Yu Hakusho, which was rejected and decided to place him at first volume of the Yu Yu Hakusho manga in one of his notes. Wondering who he is, he is a dude who looks like a lady and cross dresses! Yes, Togashi thought up of a character that cross dresses. Back to Mikihisa, I agree with Craft said, s/he is immature both as a man and as a woman. She tries to push herself with a girl who doesn’t like her, and easily fells for people who accepts her as she is even without knowing them well.

As for the plot in this episode, it was unpredictable, at first I was thinking that with desperation, they would kill Mikihisa since she has the virus and the only way to save our planet is too kill the source since they can’t inject a vaccine, but no, the Prince has a plan in his sleeve. It was something amazing, especially on how Craft explained it and that there is another plan that the Prince thought which is something amazing that Craft’s mind was blown away on how many intergalactic laws they will break! Also, the Princess being smarter than the men in black was a big surprise.

Overall, unlike the other episodes that are three-parters, they were able to execute the plot well in two episodes. Asides from the action in the previous episode, the fact that the Princess Saki’s character is something surprising in this last part of the arc, seriously, I was surprised that she was able to out smart the Prince’s men!

As for Craft in this episode and in the entire arc overall, he shined well in this arc along with some of his men. Sure, he retains the same personality but other aspects about his character shined, like how dedicated he is about his job and that he can actually cooperate with the Prince well even if it means it would ruin his life.

Anyways, in the next episode, the ColorRangers are back and now, they will help a race of mermaid aliens!