Marvel Anime: Wolverine 11-12 - FINAL

Wow. Just wow. The last two episodes of the Wolverine anime was quite a roller coaster ride and asides from Logan ruining Kurohagi's married life, we have Koh facing Shingen, Shingen owning everyone and generic samurai here giving us more reasons on why he is not a generic samurai!

To start off, the action scenes in the last two episodes are really entertaining. From the gun action by Koh and Kurohagi's soldiers to the individual character fights. Seriously, the individual character fights are drool worthy especially the duel between Logan and Shingen. About Shingen's skills in this episode, unlike the other old man from Iron Man, he is a worthy final boss for our lead. I mean, in Tony's case, we have some old guy who was thrown in the show's last minute so that Iron Man can face someone while as for this show's case, they actually build up the tension between the two characters involved, making the fight worth watchable.

Another thing that I noticed in the two episodes is that the action gradually descends, giving the series proper time to build the drama between Logan, Kurohagi and Mariko... and give the series a cheesy conclusion between Logan and Mariko's love story.

As for Kurohagi in the finale, all of his actions are somewhat predictable since a.) he is a sneaky bastard and b.) he is a treacherous bastard. So yeah, I have nothing much to comment about the guy asides that he likes to play dirty to much which bothers me since his father-in-law is has this strong sense of honor which allows him not to play dirty. Wait a minute, Shingen used an armor with his fight with Logan! That's cheating!

Overall, the final two episodes are really good and the proper build-up of the show's tension between the characters was really good. Asides that they closed everything that needs to be closed (such as who killed Asano), the only thing that is disappointing is that we never had a Sabertooth versus Wolverine fight which is always hinted in the show's ending sequence!

Anyways, Logan will not be that missed unlike Tony since he will return, this time with the rest of the X-Men with Cyclops leading them!