Ao no Exorcist 11-13 – Shura “Badass” Kirigakure

So why do I include episode 11 since it doesn’t have Shura in it? Because it’s a beach episode that’s why! Oh, and about the beach episode, it was fun, has some eyebrows chick fan service and misunderstanding on the side because the kid thought that his father was killed by the Kraken…

Which later turned out to be his father was lost in the ocean and it was all thanks to the Kraken that he returned home. Oh, and Rin using his sword? He didn’t use it since the kid’s father arrived before he can kill the Kraken. Oh, the episode also has an epic monster battle between Kuro and the Kraken! Kaiju Eiga reference, FTW! Now, on to boobies, I mean Shura!

To be honest, I thought the episode after that would be boring because that it felt like it was just another mission episode with some fan service since Shiemi wears a school uniform that clearly displays his bust size but I was wrong. Amainon trolling Rin by STEALING his sword and playing it like some Kindergarten student playing the light switch was pure win! Also, Amainon clearly owning Rin was also amazing. Guess we should really take this guy seriously.

Asides from the Amainon owning Rin, I love the more demonic looking Rin during the episode! What’s more that even if he looked demonic, he still saved Shiemi and the ghost kid. Speaking of the ghost kid, who is their mission, he is better compared to the kid from the previous episode. But the true scene stealer is the hooded guy who loves playing his PSP and constantly seen with that kid who plays with puppets all the time turned out to be useful in the series after all! I mean, seriously, I was blown away when he pulled a sword in his chest and identified Amainon as a high-level demon!

When they make the big reveal that she is Shura, a high-ranking Exorcist from the Vatican made my jaw drop since I can’t believe that one of those two useless guys who didn’t do anything during their exams turned out to be one important character! Oh, and that she is wearing a sorta mircro bra is just a bonus with the jaw drop factor… same goes with her flaming red hair. And on the following episode, we learned her purpose, she wants to see if Satan’s son is seen roaming around True Cross Academy, once proven, kill the son if the opportunity arises.

We also learned that she was Father Fujimoto’s apprentice and saved her from her old ways… and asides from that, we saw more on how badass Fujimoto is. Seriously, he CARRIED A FREAKIN LONG GUN AND SHOOTS THAT MONSTER… WHILE SMOKING… AND HE IS A PRIEST! Which cause me to think on why real priest are not that badass… unless they had a secret life that we don’t know. Back to Shura, I love how she tested Rin.

Sure, it was the standard “test the guy if he is worthy enough” sort of thing, but what made it fun is that Shura started to think about Fujimoto on why he kept Satan’s son and never told Vatican about it. Is it because Fujimoto is trying to raise a weapon against Satan or is it something else? In addition, why she needs to train Satan’s son asides that Fujimoto requested for her to do it? Or is it a different kind of request, from a man who treated Shura like his own daughter and wants her to teach Rin on how to control his powers like he was her brother or something?

Another highlight in the 13th episode is the flashback regarding Rin and Fujimoto on how Fujimoto acted like a father to him when he was younger. We saw how caring Fujimoto is towards Rin that he even lied about Rin’s actual “power level” when he was younger and just ignore the strength of Rin’s punch shows that he wants Rin to grow up like an ordinary human and not as a monster like most people perceive him to be. It was emotional since it shows that Fujimoto really cared about Rin.

Overall, 11 was fine, 12 has a lot of surprises in store for us while 13 was just beautiful, simply beautiful. Oh, and I love how episode 13 ended, with a comedic tone. What a great way to lighten up one serious episode!