Marvel Anime: Blade – First Impressions

To put it simply, the first two episodes in one post so yeah. Anyways, Blade is on Japan because he is hunting for an organization named, Existence and its leader who is said to be responsible for the death of his mother. Meanwhile, a Japanese Vampire Hunter named Makoto was introduced and a competent police officer who was later revealed to be working with the entire police force who is working with Existence!

For starters, I have medium expectations about this series since first; Blade is one of the lesser known Marvel Comics series. Second, most people don’t care about Blade since well, he is not an X-Men or any of those well-known Marvel Heroes so the producers can just pull some random story they can pull on since only two or three people will watch it. So, how the first two episodes turned out? It was really good, really good. Based on what’s happening around, I guess it followed the same route that Iron Man had in which they created an original story based on Blade. Compared to Iron Man’s first two episodes, the first two episodes of Blade are quite good.

Sure, there are some minor nitpickings such as of not seeing much blood and vampires will just burst into flames once Blade’s silver blade cuts through their flesh. Guess the reason why they went with those because you know, for the kids! For the plot of the first two episodes, first episode is about Blade crashing into some bar, which turned out to be a vampires’ hangout place, and on the second episode, cases of disappearance and he teams up with a police officer.

First episode was good, they were able to introduce Blade properly to those who don’t know him and introduced the series’ original character, Makoto, a Japanese vampire hunter. Things I liked about the episode are that their vampires looked more menacing and somewhat more believable as monsters as their faces morph once they go on full vampire mode. Speaking of vampires and vampire hunters, that fights are really good. Like I said, it is not bloody due to them bursting into flames but even with that minor “problem” (I find it a problem in my case), it never loses the enjoyment of the fights.

For the original character, Makoto, she is a badass. She wore a disguise to infiltrate the inner areas of the club, kick a werewolf’s ass and her weapon of choice? Silver knuckles. Yep, she punches vampires and see them burst into flames. As for Blade’s fights, they were good, same goes with his special finisher that reminded me of Rurouni Kenshin a bit due to some kanji appearing at the end once he did his special finisher. Deacon Frost was also introduced in the first episode and I love that he clearly owned Blade in their first encounter! As for how it ended, it was mediocre. I mean seriously, Blade just leave Makoto without explaining why he killed her father even if it is obvious that his father is now a vampire?!

The second episode was fine; they were able to establish that the organization is quite big in Japan that even the police, the yakuza, and even the government are part of the organization! Why are they part of the organization? Because they knew that vampires will win someday and they did it to suck up with the vampire’s influence. And there is only one officer who is still sides with the good guys and he is helping Blade in the course of the episode. The fights in this episode were also fine, not as jaw dropping with the ones in the previous episode, but fine. As for the police officer, he is quite a competent character and hopefully, he will appear in more episodes after it. Oh, and Deacon Frost went to the Philippines.

Overall, Blade’s first two episodes were good, not at the same level of that of X-Men, but better than Iron Man and surprisingly, slight better than Wolverine, which I think, is the second best show from the Marvel Anime Series. Animation wise, it’s not as good as X-Men but better than Iron Man or Wolverine. Character designs looked good, but my only complain is Blade’s lips, they are too thick in my opinion.

As for those who haven’t watched any of the Marvel Anime shows, it is not at the same quality of other MADHOUSE titles, but the show is enjoyable in its own since it doesn’t do references on the previous Marvel Anime shows and I am fine with it.