Sacred Seven – First Impressions

Again, the first two episodes of Sacred Seven in a single post, so yeah. What got me interested with the series at first place is that it’s a Sunrise title, second the artwork is similar to Code Geass and third, it has mecha. But what did I get? A character that looks like some expy of some hero from a Heisei Kamen Rider TV show who fights monsters every week with a loli, Sebastian Michaelis and an army of maids for their logistics, security and weapons support… and I am fine with it.

I’ll go straight to the point, the show has really good concepts but it felt they rushed within two episodes. The alien rock concept was good and that they can cause mutations, those who can control it are called Lightstones, and if I get the idea straight, the opposite is called the Darkstones and they should be eliminated since they are rampaging. Now to the rushed part, Arma’s character development from an introvert who likes to collect rocks into a cool guy who was forced to skydive just to fight a Darkstone was definitely rushed. Oh, and him gaining his new found power and easily accepting it even if he had a bad experience regarding using superpowers was definitely rushed. There should be a short period in which he can’t accept his powers before readily accepting it!

As for his superpowers, it felt like some gimmick from an upcoming Kamen Rider show, except that he doesn’t have a literal Rocket Punch, a drill for a leg and rocket launchers attached on his legs. Also, it seems that he has Birth’s HUD shot, except that he is not wearing a helmet. Oh, did I mention that his opponent in the first episode reminded me of Orpenochs from Kamen Rider 555? Also, the fights are good. Nuff said.

As for how he activates his powers, it felt like they should waste a couple of jewels and had Ruri Aiba (the loli) just for him to activate his Sacred Seven powers. For me, it felt like it was just a waste of time in terms of action. Wouldn’t it be nice if he has a watch changer and a utility belt that can contain a couple of crystals and a watch with Ruri’s voice recorded in it?

As for the side characters, KaGAmi, I mean, Kagami is a fun character and as for the maids, they really made my day. For the members of the Rock Club (it exist in their school), they are not interesting. The only thing interesting about the Rock Club is that because of one of their activities, it lead us to Arma’s flashback which he first used his Darkstone abilities.

Overall, the first two episodes of Sacred Seven are good in terms of fight scenes, has some rushed character developments and it felt like you should watch it for the second time just in case you miss something. As for what the critics say that this is Star Driver done right, I admit, the show feels like Star Driver done right since they were able to balance out between “saving the world while they are still in school concept… with mecha” quite well.