Tiger & Bunny 14-16 – 10 Months Later…

10 months after the death of Jake Martinez, Tiger and Bunny started to act like a real tag team with Barnaby earning the title of King of Heroes after the end of the season. With their newfound fame as a tag team, how will Tiger face his newfound fame now that he discovered something new about his powers? Also, now that Sky High is not anymore the King of Heroes, how is he right now? Lastly, we learn Lunatic’s origins.

So three episodes in one post, what’s with this new review pattern? To be honest, I am quite busy lately that I can’t do weekly reviews. Also, the fact that I am online during Saturday makes it harder since I am busy browsing online that I couldn’t find the proper time to watch my anime. Heck, once I am done doing two more (!) reviews, I will start watching my Spring anime line-up, namely: Blood-C, Usagi Drop, Marvel Anime: Blade and Sacred Seven. This makes six anime titles that I am watching right now. End of ranting, here’s the review.

To start this of, I love that Tiger’s current boss is now supportive towards him not unlike before in which he only cares about Barnaby and Barnaby alone. Oh, and I love the idea of the Second League! Too bad that the new guys only appeared for one episode, I love to see more of Kamen Rider V3, I mean, that guy who looks like V3 that I assume has V3’s awesome trolling abilities! The plot for the first two episodes are basically, Blue Rose falling in love with Tiger and Sky High falling in love with the girl sitting in a park bench… which turned out to be android with Terminator tendencies!

As for the two love stories, I prefer Sky High’s love story because I am a sucker for tragic love stories. I mean, he killed his own love without knowing it when she was rampaging and at the end of the episode, he bought flowers and went to the same park bench to visit the chick and waited for her! Him not knowing that he killed her love makes it more tragic. As for the Blue Rose love story, we all know that she has this crush on Tiger since episode 4 (and that baby episode) but she is not honest about it, the episode only made her interest for Tiger clear.

Now to the actual plot of the three episodes, Tiger is losing his powers. Which later leads us to learn about Mr. Legend and his son, Yuri aka Lunatic. I am dead serious. It was first hinted on the 14th episode in which he noticed that he grows stronger with the toll of losing a couple of seconds in his time limit which he first thought that his powers are evolving. It was later clarified at the end of episode 15 when his old boss told him that he is losing his powers and in the following episode, we learn that even the great Legend himself also experienced it! In which in one point, all records that made him look bad are deleted and that, some episodes of Hero TV are staged just to make him look good!

What will happen to the world after Tiger completely loses his powers and what will happen to Tiger after he completely lose his powers? Will the world just forget about him and focus on Barnaby or will he retire without making her daughter proud? The current plot makes the series really interesting since it felt like a superhero’s mid life crisis. To make it much more interesting is that Bunny is now really close to Tiger. How can Bunny cope up with Tiger’s losing powers once Tiger tells him about it? It’s one of the new factors in the series that keeps me really interested right now.

As for Lunatic’s back story, it was tragic. His father raised him to fight evil when he sees it and he killed his father with his own hands when he is seen physically abusing his wife since he can’t cope up with the fact that he doesn’t have superpowers and now, he is just a fat old man who has alcohol problems. It is also quite ironic in my opinion, he instill in his son’s mind that once he saw evil, he must strike them down, look what happened to him after he killed his father, he became a vigilante… and Legend is haunting him if his actions are the right thing to do. Because of that, I am starting to like Lunatic more as a person. Can’t believe that the guy has quite a tragic story which prior to that episode, I thought he is just some lunatic with a broken sense of justice with no proper reason at all.

Overall, the three episodes are quite good, the slow development of Tiger’s losing powers in the first two episodes makes the later episode really entertaining and dramatic at the same time due to the proper development it had for the past two weeks. Tiger’s character development in the newer episodes is also interesting since asides that it felt like a superhero mid-life crisis, it also felt like they were trying to make Tiger more human as he slowly loses his powers. Tiger’s own character development also balances out with the overall character development that Barnaby had in the previous 13 episodes.

As for the change of mood in the second half of the series, from the sorta campy superhero show in the previous episode (Yes, I find the first half campy… less the Jake Martinez arc.), into the deconstruction of superheroes in the second half. They did a proper transition into that phase by slowly developing the plot of Tiger losing his powers and making the big reveal about Lunatic’s back story and that Tiger is not alone with his struggle. Oh, and I love that Barnaby is now enjoying his life unlike before, well that’s good for him.