Usagi Drop – First Impressions

Again, the first two episodes of Usagi Drop in a single post, so yeah. The series kicks off with Daikichi, a standard salaryman visited the wake of his grandfather and during the wake, he learned that the little girl who is picking flowers named Rin is his grandfather’s illegitimate child, making her his aunt! What’s more, she is still in nursery school!

To those who don’t know, I love watching stories that has this sort of “warm” feeling in it and this show has this warm feeling in it. Also, I am a sucker of slice of life stories and Bunny Drop (the English name of the series) is one of those good slice of life stories that will work well once adapted into live-action… that will air later this year. The show introduced two elements, namely, Rin is an illegitimate child of Daikichi’s grandfather and she was just abandoned by her mother and second, she is still in nursery school and no one is willing to take care of her after the death of his father, till Daikichi came into picture. Thus, our story begins.

The first episode was more like an introduction episode on the characters and less on the proper plot of the series, the plot starts kicking in on the second episode. I just love how Daikichi is dedicated towards taking care of Rin since for starters, Daikichi is in his 30’s and not yet married and second, Rin is having a hard time of her life after her father died and her mother abandoning her. Their scenes together have a feeling that they were close for a long time now and that it is natural for them to act that way, kinda like how a father treats her daughter sort of way.

The second episode also dives more into their personalities, Daikichi is quite a father figure for Rin in my opinion that I might not be surprise that at the end of the series, he will adopt Rin as his own child at the end. As for Rin, she is a fun character, I love that in most scenes, she can be childish and in some scenes, she can be mature. As for the side characters, you can ignore them, especially the other kid, Reina. God, she is annoying. Another thing that I liked about the show is its art style. The opening scenes of each episode looked like watercolor art that adds up to the softness of the series, that this show is a show that can be enjoyed by parents and their children before shifting to the proper art style of the series.

Asides from the animation, the series also introduced some real issues in our society, namely, acceptance of an illegitimate child and how should we treat them. I just love that some of the relatives don’t openly accept Rin as their own especially Daikichi’s mom since it’s embarrassing they learned that their father has an illegitimate child during his 70’s. What’s more is that she is not at the same age or close to their age, but she is at the same age of one of daughters of one of her kids! And if I were in Daikichi’s mom’s position, I would not readily accept the kid and doubt that she is actually the daughter of my father. That is why I praise Daikichi with his courage to take care of his aunt!

Overall, the first two episodes are fun to watch. The show has this fuzzy warm feeling that I can’t resist, what’s more is the art style of the earlier minutes per episode which reminded me a lot of watercolor art and artwork from children’s story books. The series also has this good timing on when they will throw in the drama and when they will throw in the light comedy.