Marvel Anime: Wolverine 06 – Cyclops, Madripoor and Some Girl

Previously, that nerd, I mean, Cyclops has made his official appearance in the Marvel Anime Universe and he is about to fetch Logan and Yukio for them to go to Madripoor, where Kurohagi and his men are bound. And so, nostalgia ensues as the two met… and oh, I agree with Logan, they are good friends!

If there are two things that I liked about this episode, probably the conversation between Summers and Logan while on-board the X Wing… or the Black Bird, whichever is applicable to the viewers and the other one is how Logan and Yukio entered Madripoor. Oh, that was so epic. Anyways, I’ll just discuss each part further.

The first half (?) that we saw Cyclops picked up Logan and Yukio in Japan. If you watched or read a lot of X-Men related stuff, you know that these two have a weird relationship. Both love the same girl in the form of Jean Grey, Scott’s the leader while Logan is more popular to the fandom and most importantly, the love to argue with each other! And since Cyclops will appear this Spring, much like what Wolverine did in Iron Man in its fourth episode, he made his cameo and yes, argue with Logan. That scene alone is pure gold.

The second half (?) is about Logan and Yukio in Madripoor and they continue with their search for Kurohagi. Their entrance in the island was plain but what’s after it is epic. Some of Kurohagi’s disposable men, I mean, the “welcoming committee” to do what welcoming committee’s do; welcome the visitors by fighting their visitors! Therefore, we see epic fight scenes involving Logan and Yukio. In terms of animation, like the other episode, there are frames that seem a bit off, but just ignore it and watch how Logan and Yukio fight Kurohagi’s men, which is epic!

Later on the episode, Yukio confronts all the men alone so that Logan can continue his search for Kurohagi. And since this is Madripoor, he is welcomed by a different welcoming committee and welcomed him! More Wolverine epicness ensues here, which ends with Logan getting his motorcycle from one guy who decided to chain him in his motorbike! The scenes that I mentioned is basically the best parts of this episode, but what followed after is a bit disappointing because it suddenly went downhill and the action was felt cut short.

In this episode, we are introduced to some girl who is fighting against Kurohagi and since this episode is named Min, I presume that’s her name. My first impression with that girl is the same first impression I had to a girl from one episode of Iron Man. To those who are wondering what episode is it, it is about a psychic girl and that is, annoying.

Overall, in terms of fight choreography, this is the best episode Wolverine had offered, also in terms of fun conversations. Asides that we saw the influences of Kurohagi here in Madripoor, it seems that he will have a hard time reaching Kurohagi’s high-rise castle to rescue his princess. What adds up to this problem is that he will fight some giant who kinda looks like some mythical Japanese god in the next episode!