IS: Infinite Startos 09 – Fan Service~!


Yes, this pretty much sums up the entire episode and asides from a beach episode, we have more Laura service along with it, her character derailment, more babes… and Ichika doesn’t notice that a lot of half naked ladies trying to get him notice!

First up, what’s disappointing in this episode, the animation. To be honest, it felt like everything is rushed, there are inconsistencies in some frames and yes, the cartoonish reactions looked a bit bad especially with Rin’s case. However, they have no problems in doing animation related to service scenes! They are really relying on fan service in this episode.

On to Laura in this episode, after her being officially part of the main girls who fell for Ichika, she starts to act less of the menacing commando back from Germany, but more of a loli that is worst than Rin’s yandere attitude. Even though Chifuyu advised Laura to become more of her, but in this short span of time that she sleep besides Ichika without Ichika knowing it and she is naked? What’s wrong with her?! The reason why I love watching Laura at the first place is because of her cold and calculative attitude, now she acts like she is some clueless chick who doesn’t have any idea about relationships and what not. Some find it cute, but for me, I find it irritating.

Even if the episode banks a lot on fan service in this episode, namely a beach volleyball game, Cecilia asking Ichika to rub tan oil on her back and lastly, the girls in bikini and it depends which girl you like in the bikini, Tabane finally made her appearance! First impression about her is this; she is the complete opposite of her younger sister. She is aloof and fun! Also, it is revealed that she already made her sister’s personal IS with the highest specs that it can beat that “white” machine, I guess that is Ichika’s Byakushiki.

Overall, it was a fun episode that the topic of the episode about a beach study session was forgotten due to the amount of beach fun, Laura not being Laura in the early episodes and lastly, more Charlotte love… and Ichika is now calling her Char! YEAAH! The only thing that lacks is she wearing a mask and pilot a pink/light red/red IS!

Because of them banking much on fan service, I smell that more doujins based on those scenes will be made by the Japanese. I will not be surprised if I will saw it circulate around the net.