OOO Filming Ends and Random Shu Watanabe

Bye, bye Hina. :-(

Since Kamen Rider OOO is almost over, some cast members posted pics of their last shooting day of the said series. Also as a bonus, some pics of what Shu Watanabe is doing during the past few weeks!

Pictures from the left and right came from Riho Takada's blog who plays Hina Izumi while on the center came from Hiroaki Iwagana's blog who plays Akira Date/Kamen Rider Birth, which depicts Date wearing a medical robe. Yep, Doctor Date is back in business.

More on Doctor Date, it seems that he is on some isolate forest doing some medical mission...

Guess I might be right that he is in some medical mission. Also, in this picture we have two staff members, Eiji, Hina, Ankh and Eitoku, Birth's suit actor.

Shots from Mayuko Arusue's blog which features a beach scenery. Also, she revealed in her blog that Satonaka WILL BE CARRYING A BAZOOKA IN AN EPISODE! CAN'T WAIT!

Another beach shooting scene.

Mayuko carrying flowers which signifies that her job in the series is over. :-(

Pics coming from Marie Kai who plays Chiyoko and Riho Takeda's respective blogs.

Another cast pic somewhere in the forest.

Gotou, Eiji, Satonaka and Hina eating cakes less Gotou who wants to eats Eiji. The picture came from Marie Kai's blog. Also, Takashi Ukaji who plays Kosei Kougami screamed, "WONDERFUL!" or if you prefer the Japanese one, "SUBARASHI!" after he finished filming the show. I'll gonna miss his weekly hammy screams...

Another pic from Marie Kai's blog. Look who is behind them! XD

Ankh, Eiji and Hina eating cake inside a van. Guess they are just helping cleaning up the set by eating the cakes that Kougami baked! Now for the bonus pictures from Shu Watanabe's blog!

The picture was taken last July 22nd. In this picture he is behind a couple of Gokaiger, Ultraman and yes, Kamen Rider OOO masks.

And yes, Shu also has his own copy of Kamen Rider OOO Full Combo Collection! Also, here are some interesting pictures taken last June when he first visited the Kamen Rider-themed diner.

Shu Watanabe with his OOO Putotyra Combo inspired cake!

A closer look on the cake...

And the Tyranno Medal icing?

Him eating.

And him with the Cyclone and him seating on Great Leader's chair. AWESOME.

Special thanks to nerefir of HJU for the pictures!