Tiger & Bunny 10-13 – Ouroboros & Bunny

The longest story arc in the series, the arc finally wraps up everything about the organization known as Ouroboros, as we finally meet the mysterious naked man in prison doing some random lines who turned out to be Jake Martinez, a notorious NEXT and murdered Barnaby’s parents! What’s more is that the arc started like it’s just a regular non-working day for our heroes with Tiger given a short vacation before Jake’s comrade showed up!

To the specifics in each episode, episode 10 like I said was just an ordinary non-working day for our heroes, kinda like those filler episodes in which at the middle of each episode an enemy will appear. That is the case with this one except that Barnaby knows who killed his parents and two; the one who is attacking the city is related to the man who killed his parents. This is when the episode get’s interesting, in which Barnaby must choose between saving the world or meeting the man who killed his parents.

This part of the episode shows the trust between the two heroes in which for the first time, Barnaby trust the robot kicking to Tiger instead of him interfering and hogging the points. Sure, at the near end of the episode, Barnaby arrived to save a falling Tiger but I have this feeling that he did it because he felt that Tiger can’t handle this alone now and needs someone to watch his back. To end up the episode, the chick tells her demands to release her boss, Jake Martinez, the next who killed Barnaby’s parents as the city is now in her hands thanks to her teddy bear operated mecha. In the next episode, Barnaby starts to fall slowly as he tries to keep his composure.

I will go straight with my thoughts for episode 11 it was a good peanut butter to stick with the three breads in this arc. In short, it was an interlude on things to come in the last two parts of the arc. To start with, Barnaby has mixed emotions towards what happened earlier and what makes it cool is that he retains his cool no matter what happens… well, depending on which person he will show his calm side in this episode! The episode also proves that the major is the most useless political figure in Sternbild and that the president of Apollon Media is the most competent non-superhero character in Sternbild. No seriously, he planned EVERYTHING on what they will do after they release Jake and use Barnaby as a heroic figure to inspire everyone regarding the Ouroboros incident. Oh, and he use Origami Cyclone as a spy.

First impression on Jake Martinez, he felt like a Joker with a proper goal and Barnaby’s Joe Chill. If you don’t read or watch Batman, I will explain it a bit further, compared to the Clown Prince, Jake has this proper goal, to have the NEXT rule to world since he thinks that they are the “chosen race” by God and therefore, should rule among the mortals. More on the Joker side, like Mr. J, he has his own Harley Quinn and doesn’t care about the humans since hey, they are just trash in his eyes. Also, there is that psychotic look in his eyes. As for the Joe Chill part, for starters, Joe Chill is the one responsible with the deaths of the Bruce Wayne’s parents and if you watch Tim Burton’s Batman movie, Joe was replaced by Jack Napier who will later become the Joker. Oh my, what have I figured out?!

The last two episodes are probably what I can say is Tiger & Bunny’s finest moments for a few simple reasons. First, during the events of the 11th episode, Tiger breaks the trust that Barnaby gave to him and their relationship is now back to what Barnaby was to Tiger back in the first episode. Also, Origami’s reconnaissance failed because Jake figured out that he is a spy which causes me to think on how he figured it out and at the end, Jake just played him like a doll. The 11th episode shows us Jake’s power which Tiger first though as lasers which later turned out to be energy barriers being used for offense.

And for the highlight of the 11th episode, Jake owning everyone even Sky High. No seriously, the King of Heroes was defeated by Jake, same goes for Rock Bison but who cares about Rock Bison?! Sky High was defeated! Another hero who participated in this one is Wild Tiger that in my opinion, his fight with Jake is one of his finer moments asides from his fight with Lunatic in episode 9. Why is it is one of his fine moments? Even with zero chances of winning, Tiger did his best to fight Jake even if it ended up in failure. But all his efforts are not wasted as he was able to flesh more on Jake’s abilities as seen in a couple of scenes in this episode!

At the end of the episode, Barnaby’s fight with him was moved on the next day thanks to Agnes by convincing Jake to stop it for now for the sake of ratings… and it is a good business move in my opinion. I mean, who would like to watch a couple of heroes being beaten up by the villain? No one, especially the kids, ESPECIALLY the kids. Another reason why Agnes decided to convince Jake to move the fight is because of the plan made by the Apollon Media President involving the teddy bear operated mecha since Origami was able to find the weakness of the bears.

And on the next day, the climax of this arc, Barnaby now faces the man who killed his parents! This episode is also one of Tiger’s finer moments as he use his powers to rapidly heal himself to help his partner since he was able to figure out Jake’s other power! Another thing that I would praise in the episode is Tiger’s intelligence. Seriously, he was able to fool Jake and to those who are wondering how he fooled Jake, just watch the episode. Another thing that this episode did is fixed the trust issue that the two had and how the resolved it is probably one of the series’ most heartwarming moments.

As for Jake’s last moments, it kinda reminded me a bit of Batman Forever in which Robin at first wanted to kill Two-Face for killing his parents and at the end of the movie, he just wants him to be in jail and died the PG way. Same thing applies for Jake in which Jake died with a helicopter ramming his body along with his girlfriend. The episode also gives us more proof that the major is indeed the most useless character in the series as he just took the glory away from the Apollon Media President, from Saito, Origami Cyclone and the rest of the heroes who contributed in the cause.

Overall, this arc basically defeated the previous arc in terms of story and characterization as they properly closed one storyline with a bang. They were able to ascend the tension in the arc and slowly descend it giving a proper balance of emotions in the arc. Seriously, I was stunned when Sky High and Wild Tiger was defeated and went emotional when Tiger catch a falling Barnaby and when Barnaby called Tiger in his real name. In short, the arc was good rollercoaster ride of emotions, fun and at the same time exciting.

Action wise, it was really good and the Good Luck Mode still didn’t lose its charm even after it was revealed episodes ago that it was just placed in their armor for the sake of Tiger and Bunny to look good once they do their finisher. As for the animation, same quality with the previous episodes except that they finally figured out the proper ratio between traditional and CGI.