Naruto 503 - Minato’s Dead Demon Seal!

 Kishi, write a full-length story about this now!

Previously on Naruto Prologue: My Dad is Waaaay Badass than your Dad, Minato used his special Flying Thunder God Technique Level 2 that surprised the crap out of Madara. And so, the fight between no. 4 and the founder continues.

Spoiler Warning! The following chapter contains Iruka and he loves I mean, lieks One Piece! Also, review contains some pop culture references.

Y’all git hit with a boom! Boom!

Because of the attack, it made quite an effect on Madara and which caused Minato to come closer to Madara, in which we have this scene.

Oh noez.

And so, we saw a younger Iruka! Ah, I miss kid Iruka back in Naruto! XD

Iruka’s dad is Shanks?

And so, the army of ninja led by no. 3 had led Nine Tails out of Konoha!

And so, Madara confronts Minato…

Ah, how nostalgic!

We are returned to the young ninjas of Konoha who wants to go out in the battlefield but, Kurenai’s dad, Mr. Yuhi wants them to stay for the sake of the next generation.

And so, the scene back in episode one starts… minus the narrator audio!

Just like in the first episode, Nine Tails vs. Minato alongside with Gababunta… in full detail this time! It was intense. Minato teleported to grab Kushina, it’s time for them to set up the barrier. 

Minato used Vine Whip! It flinched!

Naruto woke up due to the attacks, which led to Kushina to say this…

Which led to one of the cheesiest scenes that I saw…
Oooh~! So cheesy!

You have got to be kidding me.

Gasp. So that’s how it happened… Minato sealed half of his chakra on Naruto alongside with Kushina’s due to the Dead Demon Seal just like the 3rd used to make!

Which led us to learn that Minato confirmed Jiraiya’s prophecy.

Narutard’s its time to master Dead Demon Seal!