Nathan Long Answers Your Questions!

Henshin Justice Unlimited has a new board called, S.T.A.R.S. in which, a guest known for his contributions in tokusatsu will be asked questions by the residents of the forum! For their first week, we have Kamen Rider Dragon Knight's Head Writer, Nathan Long!

And since I am curious about what will he say about the popularity of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight in Japan, I asked him this question:

I was just wondering, what can you say about the success of Dragon Knight in Japan asides that it has its own toyline made by a toy manufacturing company, Max Factory, have its own Japanese opening theme, which is akin to the newer Japanese Kamen Rider shows and a novel sequel? He replied,
UkiyaSeed, thank you for letting me know about the sequel novel! That is insane! I had no idea! Damn, now I want to read it and see what they did.

I am just blown away by the show's popularity in Japan. I think it is the most bizarre irony that we had no success here with our all-American version, but that the Japanese fans love a show that's a reworking of something they saw only 4 or 5 years before. Weird, but I love it.
You can check more questions asked by fans answered by Nathan Long on Henshin Justice Unlimited's S.T.A.R.S.! For greater justice!