Level E 08 – A Love Story… with Aliens!

Yes, our planet is doomed thanks to raging hormones...

In this episode, we have more Craft and less Prince and an alien princess whose race has a reputation of killing the race of their mate after his entire race turned into women! It is all thanks to some virus being spread by the queen… and one unlucky man who has just been dumped by his best friend (I understand how you feel, man) and meets this princess. Yes, the fate of the entire human race lies with some guy doing a deed with some hot alien chick, and Craft and his men are about to stop it from happening.

Prince being not in this episode is good because it lessens the chances that he will troll us at the end of this episode… in a comical note. In a serious note, with Prince not being around in this episode gives other characters to shine, to be exact Craft and Colin and that guy with glasses.

Craft in this episode, under the Prince’s orders must protect Earth by any means. And the current threat to Earth’s extinction is about two people with raging chromosomes doing the deed (remember, O: R is a R-13 blog, so yeah)… and he had problems with stopping them. Yep, this is Craft all right. As for Colin, he is the youngest from the trio and is the one who is a bit of a romantic type from the three and so, he adds up to the problem of their mission for the Princess not to find her mate.

As for the couple, Princess Saki and that guy, they are just a bunch of teens with raging hormones that met for the first time and fell for each other and will do anything for love. In short, those shallow couples who often break up after they saw their own weaknesses and get often in marriage problems. But since she is an alien princess, it will not happen since the guy will lose his Y chromosomes and be turned into a woman.

As for the episode’s plot, it was fun. I mean, the fate of the world lies with some guy not mating with some alien princess?! How fun is that? What adds with the problem is that both of them have raging hormones and they will do anything for love… and three (or two) guys will stop them to prevent the end of the world. Oh, Togashi, why can’t you came up with those cheesy plots in Hunter x Hunter?

Overall, it is not one of the funniest episodes but it is one of the smartly executed episodes around. The execution of the plot along with the problems with two teens having raging chromosomes mating… and will cause the end of the world. The focus of Craft and his team is one of things that I have been waiting for since the day he arrived here on Earth and we have got the chance to see how well coordinate their team was, well that is the case with Craft and that guy with glasses. As for Colin, he was a lovesick puppy, so yeah, he wasn’t that helpful.