13th HEISEI KAMEN RIDER: Kamen Rider Fouze

It's confirmed. Just recently, the trademark for the 13th Heisei Kamen Rider Series has been registered under the name, Kamen Rider Fouze! The trademark was registered last May 19th.

For those who are doubting its authenticity, you can check it yourself by following the instructions found in this link. This was also the case with Kamen Rider OOO almost a year ago. Unlike OOO, the rumored alternate spelling for Fouze which is the number 40, is not seen in his trademark.

It is believed that the name, Fouze is derived from the words, Four and Zero it can also be spelled as Phose which was derived from the word, "metamorphose" since the said word is spelled as, メタモルフォーゼ and the name of the new Rider in Japanese is, フォーゼ. So far, the official romanization is not yet confirmed.

Kamen Rider Fouze is rumored to be is a high school student who suffers from memory loss who inherited a Rider System that his father left to fight the Noa. His motif is based on astronauts and can't use the full power of his Rider System and only uses a small portion which limits him to use only four forms.

His belt allows him to change his arm and weapons. It give him rockets as weapons or even turn his arm into a manipulator. For more rumors about Fouze, which includes staff and actor rumors, you can check this post.

Source: DecaEnd of HJU