Deadman Wonderland 02 - Pure Wholesome Family Entertainment

So wholesome that SAW's Jigsaw will love it! Nah, I am being sarcastic. Anyways, in this episode Ganta knows the purpose of the candy, the currency and had his first game in this amusement park to amuse gore loving Japanese citizens... and still thinks its all SFX!

The episode also introduces to us to Yoh, the guy who was cut by the jail warden in the first episode. Asides that he acts like Ganta's guide in this amusement park/prison cell, he is kinda like one of those shady personas in prison that you shouldn't trust much since he might back stab you at the end. Another thing I noticed in this episode is Tamaki's obsession with Ganta that he decided to set the Dog Race were he join into the highest setting.

As for the Dog Race, it was what most human rights activist would like to complain. Gee, no wonder it took almost one year just for this series to air in some TV station due to its content. Anyways, back to it, it was brutal, so brutal that I based on the censorship done, a possibility of an uncut BluRay/DVD release is likely. Seriously, the people still think that it was all special effects! What's wrong with them?!

The episode also shows us the importance of the "candy" in which those who are under the death row must row within three days or else they will die due to the slow killing poison inserted in their collars, a better way of being dead than joining in the said race and get killed brutally in front of the public.

Another thing I noticed in this episode is how Ganta cares much of his new friends and him trying to blend in with the convicts around him that he try as much as possible to follow the rules set by the prison and by the "top prisoners" in the prison... till he breaks down at the end.

Overall, it was a really brutal episode. It is fun if you love senseless gore that features a couple of prisoners who are most of them are not sentenced for a dead sentence and just join there for the sake of getting cash while a bunch of students are watching it for their field trip. The episode also explores more into Ganta's relationship with Shiro and vice-versa, it was a really cool sight to see that Ganta is slowly coping up with his situation inside this prison.