Deadman Wonderland 03 - That Red Man...

And it caused Ganta to go wild and unleashed his blood based abilities! In this episode, asides that the Red Man escaped his facility, We saw Yoh's true motives with Ganta, and Ganta is being targeted by a security robot!

One thing that I liked about this episode is that Ganta's obsession in seeing this Red Man is starting to get into him, which is starting to get interesting since they decided to play with the psychology of a middle-schooler who was falsely accused in some crime he didn't commit. I love the fact that they decided to explore with his relationship with the Red Man, what's more is that he is not alone when he saw this man since Yoh is with him when he escaped his cell.

This episode also explores Ganta's friendship with Yoh and again, Shiro which reminded him of his old life before he became a prisoner on Deadman Wonderland. The fact that they tried to retain his innocence while he is in this prison starting to get obsessed with the Red Man is a good sign that he will not end up into some psychotic mass murderer. Another thing, we also saw more of Yoh's "evil" side and Shiro's "immature" side. What a good mix of new friends!

Overall, it was a good episode, but not as good as the previous episode in which we saw the horror in this theme park. Since this episode is like a prologue to "what is the real Deadman Wonderland" thing that Takagi mentioned, it was a good start to this series' main arc. Also, the fact that there are other people asides from Ganta who can do the same skill like him makes this series more interesting.