Kamen Rider Eternal V-Cinema Mega Update!

Since we are months away for the release of the 2nd part of the Kamen Rider W RETURNS V-Cinema series called, Kamen Rider W RETURNS: Kamen Rider Eternal, more rumors about it has just surfaced online!

But before we start talking about the rumors, here's the film's "making of" segment which features thoughts of some of the cast members about the upcoming V-Cinema.


Notable notes about the cast members in this "making of" includes that the cast seems to be happy about making this film and Genki Sudou, who plays Kyosui Izumi aka Luna Dopant says that, "When I put on the NEVER jacket, it turns me gay". Rin Takanashi who plays the ESPer, Mina mentions that it is really different compared to Super Sentai.

Now for the rumors, it is said that asides from learning Katsumi Daido's story before he became Kamen Rider Eternal, we will also learn the past of the members of NEVER!

Possible Spoiler Alert! Read at your own risk!

Kyosui Izumi/Luna Dopant: Yakuza and not gay. He was stabbed to death by one of his members. The story of how he became homosexual will be shown. Makes me wonder where he was stabbed.
Reika Hanehara/Heat Dopant: Criminal, was already on death sentence. Tried to flee and was shot to death.
Ken Ashihara/Trigger Dopant: Former SWAT member. Cause of death is still unknown.
Gozo Domoto/Metal Dopant: Lumberjack. Cause of death is still unknown.

Lastly, the rumored identity of Kamen Rider Eternal Red Flare is finally revealed, and it is not Katsumi! Then who is it? It is Kazu.

We didn't see him transform into Red Flare when he first appeared. Daido Katsumi along with NEVER, fight him. But after the fight they see that Red Flare is Kazu. They are fighting at a beach when Daido's Memory isn't functioning properly. He loses the fight. Daido then later appears with a Lost Driver and they fight Kazu again. It's not really explained how and where the Lost Driver came from.

The Eternal Memory used to transform into Kamen Rider Eternal Red Flare is the T1 Version, Silver Terminal.

Source: dchoc of HJU, DecaEnd of HJU (Link 2), JEFusion