Marvel Anime: X-Men 03 - They Still Hate Frost

Not hate, but more like they didn't trust Emma Frost. Anyways, in this episode Hisako's powers awakened and lastly, we learn why Emma Frost ended up in the U-Men facility and her background on why Scott can't trust her.

The brief introduction about Emma Frost was one of my favorite parts in this episode, along with how Hisako's powers awakened. Frost is one of the characters in X-Men that you are not sure if she is a good guy or a bad guy due to her history, hence having her here adds the interest factor of this show if at the last moment of this series, she will decide to do a face heel turn on the X-Men. Another thing that surprises me about Frost in this episode is that she acts like a mentor figure to Hisako, which really interest me in this series since I never remembered seeing Frost being a mentor figure to someone in most X-Men adaptations I watched.

As for my first impression about Hisako, she is a young mutant who doesn't know her powers and just suddenly had them due to shock and to save her mentor from the U-Men. In simple terms, she is not quite an interesting character but as for powers, it is very interesting in which psychic energy wraps around her body and turn it into well, her armor! What's more, we learned that once mutants obtained their abilities for the first time, they can't control it. Cool.

Overall, it was good episode. Action wise, the use of some zombie-esque mutant/human hybrid as a boss is a bad choice in my own opinion, but the fact that he was able to restrain most of the X-Men which forced Beast to press Cyclops' optic shades since he can't move and triggered Hisako's abilities was something. Hisako and Emma's student-teacher relationship is one of the minor highlights of this episode in which this concept was elaborated much in the next episode.