Marvel Anime: X-Men 02 - U-Men - Mutant Hunting

One word: Eww.

In this episode, a group of regular humans who wants mutant superpowers called, U-Men made their official debut as our merry group of mutants land on Japan's Tohoku region to rescue Hisako Ichiki and the other mutants captured by the said group for the sake of mutant organ harvesting. Eww.

There are two things that I hate in this episode, namely Logan Wolverine stealing most of the kills/action scenes and Summers still acting like the Cyclops back in Wolverine and the X-Men. First with Logan, I know Logan is the usual guy who gets most of the kills in most X-Men related animated show, but seriously, he already had most of the kills in his own show that aired last Winter! Give the rest of the X-Men proper time to shine!

Speaking of which, it seems that Storm must recharge in this show for her to use her weather manipulation powers here, I am a bit disappointed and a bit glad about it since they made Storm more "human" and less of a "god." As for Scott in this episode, he never felt like the team leader like the old X-Men cartoons I used to watch back when I was a kid. Another thing that I can complain about Scott here is that it seems that after Logan "shake him off" from his previous state, it seems that his mind is still trapped with the past... which is disappointing since its been a year since Jean died.

For the good things about this episode, U-Men made quite a good impression on me. According to TVTropes and Wikipedia, the original U-Men back in the comics are not like this, to put it simply, the U-Men in the comics are like the shadow of this anime's U-Men. In terms of resources, they are indeed a threat and the fact that they were able to turn a regular delivery boy who had mutant abilities into some kind of a monster IS something. Heck, I never seen most villains in most X-Men adaptations I watch do this sort of thing! Another thing to note, the fact that they lured the X-Men into their home base just to try to get their organs was something.

For this episode's action scenes, it was brilliant especially when Cyclops and Wolverine fought a couple of robots while riding their motorcycles, also when the X-Men tried to restrain the rampaging mutant which leads them to euthanasia for him not to suffer in that kind of state.

Overall, it was a really good episode even it has some minor disappointments which I ranted about before talking about what is good about this episode. At the end of this episode, the X-Men found their target, Hisako Ichiki and one mutant that they never expected to see, yep, it's Emma Frost.