Marvel Anime: X-Men 06 - Epic Teamwork

Epic team pose!

Because the episode showed it. Seriously, Cyclops really acted like the team leader and assigned assignments to his subordinates for them to do the mission in a faster pace. Also, we have this team battle against one U-Men robot...

As for the opening scene in this episode, like I mentioned earlier, it shows Cyclops' leadership. He was able to divide his group into various sub-groups for them to explore what is happening around Japan's Tohoku region, which is quite disturbing in my opinion. Bridges bended and Magneto is not the suspect, dead fishes and lastly, secondary mutations occurring in an area of the region.

The later part of the episode after it shows that they can now really rely on Emma as a team member. About time! Now for the fun part of this episode, the battle scene. Compared to the previous two series which doesn't involve much team battles, which in my opinion were good, the ones in this anime took a notch higher in terms of group battles.

Each member was given proper focus in the fight scenes and never let Wolverine get most of the kills, which I really liked. The fact that the U-Men member was able to prepare for the X-Men gave the team quite a handicap in terms of battle. Good thing that he doesn't have the battle data for Emma Frost and Armor!

Now back to the battle, I love every scene in which every X-Men member less Beast, Frost and Armor getting owned by the robot was fun indeed. It clearly shows that the U-Men is a serious threat to our band of mutants. Another thing that I noticed in this episode is the fact that even if the guy that the X-Men fought was seen in most scenes that involved the U-Men, the fact that he was defeated early in this series shows that there is a man behind this man which was foreshadowed at the near end of the series.

Overall, it was a really great episode. The fact that they improved in the team battle department is a plus and the fact that the threat they just fought was only the beginning really hypes me up for the next episodes as the mystery behind the Sasaki Institute is finally revealed!