Marvel Anime: X-Men 05 - Training Hisako

In this episode, Hisako fights a Sentinel, get's owned, get's pissed at Scott and she became a junior member of the X-Men... in just one day! Meanwhile, Scott doubts Emma's loyalties. Hey, who wouldn't?

Hisako's training with the X-Men is probably one of my favorite parts of this episode. Asides that she fights a virtual reality Sentinel and get's beaten up; her "fight" with Scott when he decided to train her hard since she is the team's youngest member is probably one of the best scenes in this episode.

Seriously, Cyclops forced Hisako to go berserk just for her to unleash her true potential as a mutant. If there is one thing I noticed in this scene is that Cyclops is starting to act like the team leader which is supposed to be his role since episode one. He showed concern towards Hisako since he wants her to control her power and not end up like her girlfriend, Jean.

This episode also doubles as Emma's flashback episode along with her official induction as a full-fledged member of the X-Men. Scott's doubt towards Emma still continues since the scene of Emma being behind Jean's rampage at the first episode still resonates her head. The fact that Emma agreed on the proposed mind dive shows that she is willing to clear her name for the sake of Scott accepting her as a member of the team and along with Hisako to see that she is not a strong woman that she admired.

As for her flashback, I was surprised that some elements of her past were not seen in the flashback, but hey, they skimmed much of the important details that the X-Men must learn about her and I am fine with it. The flashback also gives us a glimpse of her work as a member of the Inner Circle and the man who first exploited her mental powers, Mastermind.

Especially Emma.

Overall, it was one of the show's best episodes and that is all I can say. Seriously, the series is starting to become quite good compared to the previous two series. To give you an idea on what happened to the episode 5 of Iron Man and Wolverine, in Iron Man, Tony goes to space to stop the spreading of some virus while in Wolverine, we have Logan fight Omega Red for the second time and had Cyclops make his cameo.