Tiger & Bunny 02 - The New Adventures of Wild Tiger & Bunny!

Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen!

Sounds like a title of some campy 60's superhero TV show which involves a guy dressed up as a bat and a kid who likes to start most of his sentence with the word, "Holy" and ends it with "Batman!" In this episode, the adventures of the dynamic duo of Wild Tiger and Barnaby aka Bunny begins.

To start this review, let me talk about their teamwork... they suck on that department. Both have contrasting beliefs on how a Hero should operate. Tiger runs on instincts while Bunny relies on analysis, gathered data and lastly, cares for the theatrics. Their duo reminded me of what if Batman acted like Robin, except he is older and more experienced and what if Robin acted like Batman except he has a darker past compared to Bats and thinks less of a sidekick, that is the case of these two.

The episode also introduces to us to Legend, the Hero that changed Kotetsu's life forever which leads him to become Wild Tiger. It was a very touching scene, especially when Legend mentions to the young Kotetsu that he can be Hero. This episode also shows the said hero's influence on Kotetsu's life when he was able to turn the rampaging NEXT into a good guy at the end.

Overall, it was a great episode to introduce the Tiger & Bunny duo to the world. They were able to show the duo's individual skills and their respective weaknesses. Another thing I can note in this episode are the suits, I love the suits! It's modern has this Metal Hero/Iron Man feel in it. Considering that most male Heroes in this anime are wearing armor, I guess it is proper for them to fit in with those guys.