Tiger & Bunny 03 - A Day in a Life of Barnaby Brooks Jr.

Kotetsu's in this pic, my reaction in this episode in a nutshell

Which is, get annoyed by his senior, stare in his family photo, act like he is not an emo and lastly, save the world! Anyways, we saw more of Barnaby's past... and his instance of not being Barnaby.

For starters, I love Barnaby's attitude towards his senior, cocky and thinks he is just an annoyance. This episode showed more of his personality outside his cocky nature towards his senior and what can I say, he is quite a tragic character. Hopefully, they would explore more of his tragic parts, especially the mystery behind the Ouroboros symbol that was seen in his PC.

As for the entire plot of the entire episode, it was okay. In simple terms, it was not that interesting. Why? It is just about Hero TV crew filming Barnaby's "everyday life" and along with it, they are also filming his on-screen relationship with his mentor/senior/that guy who rides in the sidecar, Wild Tiger. The only thing interesting in the overall episode is what happened in the hotel and how Wild Tiger interacted with Barnaby while the camera is rolling.

Overall, it was a good episode though not as entertaining as the previous episode. Barnaby's backstory is the only thing that interested me in this episode along with the ones mentioned above and Origami Cyclone popping out in this episode. What is his power anyway?!