Tiger & Bunny 06-08 – The Lunatic Hero

To start this arc, three criminals died because they are burned to death by an unknown cause, thus leading to the suspicion of Fire Emblem being related with these cases. IT was later cleared up thanks to a giant robot that shoots fires stronger than Emblem’s. It turned out to be a red herring and the TRUE culprit is a vigilante named, Lunatic, a NEXT who has fires stronger than Fire Emblems!

Okay, why do I group these three episodes in one review in single post asides that it saves me time? The answer is simple; these three episodes are connected because of one villain, Lunatic. As I mentioned earlier, his fires are stronger than Fire Emblem’s and has a different sense of justice, making him a vigilante of sorts. To put it simply, he kills criminals. Sure, it MIGHT be the right thing to do but what if the criminal was falsely accused for a crime; thus making him a murderer. He is wicked in my opinion and to make matters worst, his identity is the head of the Justice Bureau! How ironic!

Now each episode in detail, episode 6 was about Fire Emblem being falsely accused for burning the criminals. I love that they directly put their attention to Fire Emblem since an average terrorist can’t do that level of flames. Also, what I really love about the episode is the red herring they placed in the form of a mecha that emits the same level of blue flames like that of the culprit, and it worked diverting the attention of the viewers away towards the real culprit.

More in this episode is a closer look on Barnaby’s search towards the organization known as the Ouroboros with his only lead is a tattoo found in the culprit’s hand. His search was rather aimless in my opinion and the fact that he went a bit wild after seeing the criminal in this episode having the tattoo in his back can really turn the man a bit wild since he is the only clue he have in finding the man who killed his parents. And as for Lunatic’s introduction, it was good. He made proper impact on the heroes and the fact that he introduced that he is “part” of the organization adds another load on Bunny’s emotional side in terms of people he will try to capture and milk the information about the killer.

In episode 7, Bunny is still depressed after what happened in the previous episode and this is when Tiger and Emblem learned about why Bunny is obsessed (?) with hunting the organization known as Ouroboros, thus making him a bit depressed and forced Tiger to team up with Blue Rose for one event. Speaking of the event, it is one of the best parts of the episode due to how Blue Rose dominating the duo and caused Tiger to act like Blue Rose’s sidekick!

The episode also proves why Lunatic is an awesome anti-villain as he did the first move in burning the building where the criminals hide before the heroes can do any action, forcing the heroes to save the criminals instead of capturing them in the scene. Another thing that I liked in this episode is Bunny’s fight with Lunatic. It was entertaining and showed to us why Lunatic has the upperhand, it is also the episode that marked the beginning of the rivalry between Tiger and Lunatic.

In episode 8, Origami Cyclone finally has a focus episode! Now we know what his superpower is and that is shape shifting! No wonder he has every right to go in the sidelines and pop in the back of most heroes! The episode also shows the grudge of Origami’s classmate towards him due to the accident that happened years ago. If there is one thing I noticed during the episode is that, we saw Origami’s growth as a hero from a whiny superhero trainee that he is back then.

The previous episode left quite an impact due to Lunatic making his formal introduction in Sterbild that caused Hero TV to do a campaign in which we should believe in heroes no matter what happens. The campaign was clever, but lacks the teeth to convince those people who loved Lunatic’s ideals. Another thing what I liked most about this episode is the fight between tiger and Lunatic, dang, the fight placed me at the edge of my seat, especially how it ended with Lunatic’s mask cracking up! The episode also clears Lunatic’s involvement with Ouroboros by admitting that he is just a vigilante killing the “bad” guys. Bunny is now back with zero leads. To top off the Lunatic madness, the last part of the episode revealed his true identity!

Overall, these three Lunatic episodes are really good, especially the last one, which involves Origami Cyclone, a perfect way to end the Lunatic, arc with finally revealing Lunatic’s identity and intensifying the rivalry between Wild Tiger and him… and finally learning Origami’s superpowers. The episode also builds up more on who is the culprit behind the deaths of the Barnaby’s parents as Barnaby tries to find more leads about the culprit and as he stars to slowly remember the face of the criminal.