Kadokawa Shoten's Newtype Ace, Revealed!

Kadokawa Shoten's monthly manga magazines Gundam Ace and Newtype are collaborating to release the new manga magazine Newtype Ace on September 10. Newtype Ace/NA will publish tie-in manga for recent popular anime or other media franchises.

The magazine's website reveals that its first issue will have Tiger & Bunny (Hiroshi Ueda will also launch his own Tiger & Bunny manga in a different magazine), Minoru Murao's new Last Exile series, Sacred Seven, Blood-C, Towa no Quon, Un-Go and other manga titles.

Haruhiko Mikimoto's Macross the First will move from Macross Ace to Newtype Ace. However, Newtype Ace's website reveals that the next issue of Macross Ace, the ninth issue, does not have a set release date at this time. Futher information about Macross Ace will be provided in Gundam Ace and on the Newtype Ace homepage.

Source: Anime News Network