Heroman Episode 1 - Beginning Review.

Like I posted earlier, Heroman is another Stan Lee collaboration with the Japanese, and here's my review about the first episode.

The episode kicks of with this opening sequence.

Now, for the episode proper. The episode starts in outer space in which we heard the voice of a scientist which will be revealed later. A group of aliens received the transmission and orders a full-scale invasion of the planet were the transmission came from.

Now, on Earth, a teen named Joey Jones is watching an advertisement of the latest toy, Heybo, a robot. His boss then said that it is time for his class. He rushes out from his part-time job and run towards home, but before that, his boss tossed his lunch towards him. And thus, our setting is then revealed, Center City, West Coast, USA.

Joey enters his house, went to his room, grabs his purple bag and left. Now, we saw Joey walk towards school in which he was spotted by Lina, a cheerleader in their school and blushingly, asked Joey is can he come to the party with him this coming weekend. Joey replied that he is busy. Their conversation was cut short when Lina's brother, Flash Thompson Will arrives along with his gang. He then starts bullying Joey and says that he and her sister are not the same level as them. Will's bullying was cut short by Psy, a guy with Spike Spiegel's hairdo and owns a pair of crutches.

Will and co. left along with his sister, Psy then say that if he continues doing that, Will will continue on tormenting him. Joey replied, he doesn't like fighting. Wow. He sounds like Peter Parker less the glasses.

On their class, Will is scribbling a robot while his teacher is writing a math problem on the chalkboard. Psy throws a paper on Joey, he read the paper and it says, "Its better if it has wings." The teacher heard it and scolded Joey. Class ends.

Joey then went to Prof. Denton's room because he will give some parts that he requested Joey to buy for him, and this is when we will know that he is the one that contacted the aliens... and he is proud of it. Great, so its your fault that is why these aliens want to have a full scale invasion on Earth, great job.

Anyways, Joey, it seems that he is not listening, left Prof. Denton's office and walked home with Psy. This is when they saw one of Will's friends playing with a Heybo. Because of its awesome features, namely, giving orders via your voice, Will's other friends started fighting over the control. Because of one wrong command, the robot crossed the street and was destroyed by an incoming car. Seeing it destroyed, the owner of the Heybo throw it into the trash can and left. Joey picked it up and decided to fix it.

It took Joey days to fix it and finally, he fixed it and named it Heroman. He started playing with Heroman and his grandma said that its time for his work. Meanwhile, back in space, the alien that were contacted by that professor is now near Earth.

Lina is waiting for his father, his father arrived and Lina entered the car and left. Joey was now working in the diner and peeked at the window, it is raining. He remembered he left the window open and rushed towards his house. And lo and behold, Stan Lee made a cameo! This time, he is asking Joey to fill up his cup of coffee!

Back to Lina. His father started dicussing matters about Joey.

Back to Joey, he arrived home and saw Heroman soaked. He is planning to get Heroman when suddenly, a strong jolt of lightning hit the robot. Because of the lightning, Joey was pushed into the wall of his room. He stood up, walk towards Heroman and touched it. It caused a spark. Because of the spark, it created a weird ray of light that caused the remote of the Heybo to be activated, the remote wrapped around Joey's arm and created a sort of gauntlet that has a middle circle, ala Ben 10's Omnitrix. He pressed the circle that caused Heroman to transform into a giant mecha with an American flag colors within its body. Cool.

Joey then exclaimed, "Heroman... is alive!" Wow. Frankenstein reference! Anyways, back to Lina. Because of a jolt of lightning, the electric post has been hit and destroyed, causing one car to screech and the oil tanker to crash as well. Lina and co. car also crashed.

Back to Joey, Heroman spotted the crash and because of this sort of connection, created another icon on the middle, Joey pressed it out of curiosity and Heroman picked him up, and dash towards the wall of his room. Heroman, running at high speed arrived below the bridge were the incident happened and teleported on top of it. Joey spotted Lina's car and asked Heroman to save Lina and her father, and again the same scene like earlier, it created another icon on the circle, Joey pressed the circle and Heroman starts ripping of the roof of the car!

After several rips, the oil tanker leaked and caused the area to burn, Joey then was protected by a forcefield. After that, Joey worries about Heroman, Lina and her father. Heroman arrives carrying Lina and her father. Back in space, an alien overlooks at Earth. And the To Be Continued words appeared... in English!

Ending credits starts to roll.

It's FLOW signing the Ending Theme! XD

On to the review, the first episode was let's just say, Spider-Man's origins but this time, he owns a giant robot. Joey was like Peter Parker and Heroman is like his alter ego, Spider-Man, except he is controlling him via a remote gauntlet. Heck, Joey's bully, Will kinda resembles Flash Thompson! Also, Heroman's origin kinda resembles Frankenstein Monster's origin... with a modern twist. Instead of human corpse, we have a destroyed toy robot and a kid fixing it. To top it of, lightning made Heroman alive!

Even the common geeky superhero origin, it still has something that is fresh. Namely, the Prof. Denton accidentally contacts evil aliens from outer space.

As for the the individual characters, Psy, so far is my favorite character. For the animation, its no surprise, Bones did a good job in the animation. 

Overall, Heroman's first episode is a decent start for this another Stan Lee Japanese collaboration.