K-On!! Episode 1 – Seniors! Review.

This first episode review will be veeery quick since I don’t want to spoil those who are planning to watch K-On!! So, here’s a quick summary. The episode starts with Yui running late to school and went inside the music room and starts practicing her guitar skills. The rest arrived later on and saw Yui practicing. They asked why she is doing that and Yui replied that she is practicing her new guitar trick.

Azusa asked why this early, Yui replied that she thought she is late for school. Good ol’ Yui. Then opening credits starts to roll. Here's the OP by the way.

Here’s how the rest of the episode went, Light Music Club is finding new members and Yui, after what Nodoka said that next year Azusa will be all alone in the club room, it caused Yui to be more “inspired” to get more members for the club for her beloved junior. After a lot of weird attempts of finding members, all of these methods failed. And so, their last hope lies into their performance on-stage.

The girls waited for the whole day and no new freshmen arrived. Azusa asked her classmates if their performance is good, they replied it’s good. Thus, Azusa wondered why there are no new students entering the clubroom. One of her classmates replied, because the freshmen thought that these guys are too close and having them in will make them feel uncomfortable.

Azusa went to the music room in which she heard Yui saying that they should change nothing in the club. She wants the club to stay the same. Azusa, let’s just say, she was inspired and asked Mugi some milk tea and banana cake... and starts getting strict to Yui in terms of guitar practices! Then after this, ending credits starts to roll.

On to the review, for the first episode of K-On!! It’s decent. Not that bad or that good but decent. It’s like their second year all over again except they had Azusa with them helping them to gain more members. The only thing new in this episode is Yui’s opening guitar practice scene and the other things they do for them to gain new members, in which you have to find out yourselves.

As for the new Opening themes and Ending themes, unlike the first opening and ending themes, it might take some time for these songs to be stuck in your head. The first song was ear-bleeding in the first part until Yui slowed down in her vocals. The second song was not as good as Don’t Say “Lazy”.

Overall, a decent start for this new season.