MeiDolls Cafe Receives International Recognition!

The Philippines' very first maid cafe, MeiDolls Cafe that just open months ago has just received quite an amount of international recognition especially from the country where Maid Cafe originated, Japan!

First up, Cinema Today featured the cafe and according to the translation I had coming from Google, asides that this is the first cosplay maid cafe here in the Philippines along with its Japanese origins, it also talks about temporary maid cafes established during Cosplay Conventions here in the Philippines which more than ten thousands of visitors attend.

The video above is a short feature by TV station, TBS coming from Japan which talks about the said maid cafe and how they serve their customers, like their masters.

Lastly, Reuters Global TV/NTD Television made a feature of the cafe which talks the same thing like the previous feature it had except it has some interviews coming from the owner, Reia Ayunan, some of its made and some customer. The feature concluded that so far, the maid cafe is well received by its patrons.

Aside from that, Manila Shimbun will also have an upcoming feature of the said cafe in the future! It seems that this cafe has quite an amount of exposure coming from the international community! I will not be surprised if I will see quite an amount of Japanese visitors in the said cafe!

From all of us here, congratulations with this amount of achievement!