A Blazing Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Update!

Just recently, more scans for Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger has just surfaced the web! Asides that we have the glimpse of the upcoming Gekiranger episode that will happen after the show's sixth episode that focuses about Luka, we now have the first images of Gokaiger's version of the GaoLion and its combinations with the GokaiOh. Yep, combinations.

According to the info we had regarding this episode weeks ago, the Gekiranger episode is called, Niki! Niki! Training Kenpo! The episode's guest star will be no other than Hiroki Suzuki and Ichirou Nagai reprising their roles as Jan Kandou/GekiRed and Master Xia Fu.

In this episode, Navi asks them to look for a Tiger Boy for Great Wisdom and so, they started heading out to search for zoos. However, the Kung Fu Specialist Action Commander, Pachamac XIII appears and begins destroying the city.

In the battle, Doc and Ahim tried to take on the Commander and the lost which cause them to feel down for themselves. By chance, the came into a group that teaches Kenpo Lessons for kids. Teaching the kids is a young man (obviously, Jan) and the two started their Kenpo training. Will Doc and Ahim defeat this Kung Fu Specialist?

Unlike the rest of the Super Sentai teams in which the Gokaigers will earn another mecha, with the Gekiranger's case, once the Gekiranger Ranger Keys will be used on the GokaiOh, it will cause the GokaiOh to summon the GekiBeast! Based on this scan, GekiTiger, GekiCheetah, GekiWolf and GekiJaguar will be summoned! Now, where is SaiDain?

Meanwhile, we have a scan of the hierarchy of the Zangyack Empire. In this scan, we see a shadowed figure above Oiles Gil, the leader of the Zangyack fleet invading Earth. Will this shadowed figure have a very significant role in this series?

Lastly, the first actual toy shots (below) of the Gokai Machines' third Legend Machine, the GaoLion. As seen in this scan, it confirms the earlier shadowed image of a possible Shinkenger formation with the GaoLion. The first formation with the GaoLion involves removing the legs of the GokaiOh and mounting it on top of the GaoLion forming the GaoGokaiOh.

On top is the actual TV series images of the GaoGokaiOh, in which unlike the rest of the Legend Machines, it really looks similar to the original GaoLion back in Gaoranger. By similar, we can't see the Gokaiger logo somewhere in this picture. It is also confirmed that Kakeru Shishi aka GaoRed's actor, Kaneko Noboru will reprise his old role. In Gokaiger, Kakeru returns to his old profession, a veterinarian who later meets up with the Gokaigers in the show's ninth episode.

The second formation involves dismantling the GaoLion and place it on the GokaiOh's respective ports, creating the ShinkenGokaiOh. As seen in this scan, the formation of each part is similar with the formation of the Origami of the ShinkenOh, and yes, this formation will retain the ShinkenOh's kanji.

In case you are wondering if this would be the last of its kind, according to an old rumor, we will see more of this two-in-one Legend Machines in the near future. If the rumor is true, we might be having the Bakuryuu Tyrannosaurus next with an Abaranger special episode and later, a Zyuranger special episode.

UPDATE: Added a new images coming from Henshin Grid.

Source: DecaEnd of HJU (Link 2), Gold Samurai of HJU