Titanium Ranger Appears on Gokaiger?!

As we all know, Power Rangers left quite a lasting impact on Super Sentai that DekaRed wore SPD B-Squad Red Ranger's Battilizer in Magiranger vs. Dekaranger. Just recently, a new blurred scan has surfaced online, and it seems that they will import another Power Rangers original in the form of Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue's Titanium Ranger.

It is not sure how would the Titanium Ranger suit will appear in the series but since this suit came in from Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, it is safe to assume that it might appear on the show's Kyukyu Sentai GoGo-V tribute episode.

Because this is a Power Rangers original, this suit only appeared in a handful of episodes with his alter ego, Ryan Mitchell doing most work as a Ranger outside of this suit. Since this is an original Ranger, the AI operated robot, LinerBoy was given to Titanium Ranger with an original cockpit scene being filmed with this Ranger on board.

Anyways, here is the original Titanium Ranger in action. So what will they call this suit, GoSilver?

This would not be the last time that Power Rangers will create an original group of Rangers. Other original Rangers include the SPD A-Squad Rangers from Power Rangers SPD and the Spirit Rangers from Power Rangers Jungle Fury.

EDIT: Turned out to be yet another April Fool's Joke. CURSE YOU, APRIL FOOL'S DAY!!