Marvel Anime: X-Men 10 – Grand Mastermind


I can’t believe that they still remembered U-Men… anyways, in this episode they finally revealed everything that we need to know about why the heck Mastermind is in Japan and what is behind the large door. Oh, and Logan is still has the most kills. Seriously, even if I am a Wolverine fan, I am quite annoyed by the fact that the supposed "star" of this series, Cyclops has less kills than Wolverine who is supposed to be just the second-in-command or something along those lines!

If there is one thing I can highly praise in this episode are the unexpected twists in the series with Mastermind behind everything. Sure, the one with Takeo was not surprising but as for the rest, U-Men crap, Yui doing everything for science (!) and Inner Circle still exist until caught me off guard in this episode. Everything just went in a proper full circle in my opinion. The only question that was left unanswered is that, do the remaining members of U-Men severed their connections with Mastermind since it felt like those guys were forgotten after Yui’s introduction.

Now for the new mutants, as for Takeo I am not surprised with his abilities considering that he is the son of Charles Xavier, as for the new one, Neuron, I might as well forgot the guy since he will be defeated by Logan and Hank in that enclosure but as for his abilities, its awesome.

Overall, it was a great episode as for the fights in this episode, about time for Storm to have a tag team with Logan! And by the way, I love their team dynamics and by the looks of things in this episode, chances of Blade’s cameo will not happen since the X-Men must stop the end of the world thanks to Mastermind’s grand plan. He indeed deserves that alias.