Hi No Tori Fansubs Releases Chodenshii Bioman!

Chodenshii Bioman is the eigth Super Sentai series in the entire franchise and before these guys decided to sub it, it is only available in two formats, in its original Japanese audio minus the subs and in English dub (The ones Filipino 80's kids heard back in their childhood). we later saw the series subbed in YouTube via DTKingdom, but his account was down due to copyright infringement.

Now, Hi No Tori Fansubs has just released its first episode of this team! To those who are living the rock, it is the story of five people with Bio Particles that was passed to them by their ancestors when Peebo and the BioRobo first came to Earth. Now, Doctor Man and his Neo Gear Empire decides to do its move, and so, the five complete strangers will now fight to protect our Earth.

This is the first Super Sentai series that featured two female Rangers and two types of monsters of the week.

You can get the first episode of Bioman in their official site!