HJU's Interview with Judd Lynn

Who are you anyway?!

Henshin Justice Unlimited just did an interview with Judd Lynn, one of the forces behind Power Rangers over the years! He is best known to be as the head writer for Power Rangers in Space - Time Force and the later half of Power Rangers RPM.

In this interview, he answered questions regarding how he ended up in the franchise, how he ended up writing, his best and worst in terms of ideas, coping up with the Super Sentai footage and answering one of the biggest questions he left in the show, who, I repeat, who is the Phantom Ranger?!

Here's a sample of one of the questions he answered.

7. Kenori asks: What’s harder to write? Premieres or finales?

Premiers have a few fun revelations, but they can be clumsy because you have to include so much set-up; who are the characters, what is the time and place, what are the relationships, etc. It can be fun, but I always enjoyed the endings more, because of course, it doesn’t all happen in one or two episodes. If you’re a smart writer, you plant seeds well before-hand so that by the time you enter the finale, the audience is already on the edge of their seats.

If you want to read more, you can check the full interview on Henshin Justice Unlimited! For Greater Justice!