Here's the second part of the spoilers coming from
Winter Chevalier of HJU regarding the second part of Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider OOO & W feat. Skull: Movie Wars Core, this time, we will focus on the second part of the film called
Nobunaga's Desire. For the first part, you can check it
Warning! Spoiler Alert! Read at your own risk.
It starts out by going back and forth between some people digging underground and Kogami talking to Satonaka while he's doing some calligraphy. After the diggers find a coffin, Kougami holds up his masterpiece which reads Nobunaga Oda. They show what is inside of the coffin, inside lies the mummified remains of the warlord.
Next we see people wearing hazmat suits loading cell medals into a large tank, and in another room behind a large pane of glass is Kougami wearing a fancy suit along with Satonaka and Gotou; also of note is that Kougami brought along a cake that says "Happy Birthday" with Nobunaga's symbol on it.

Dr. Maki enters the room where the tank is and begins talking. At this point, Nobunaga is formed in the tank and he comes out filled with rage. After coming out of the tank and he starts attacking everything that's near by. In the process he knocks the doll off of Maki's arm and of course he starts freaking out. Nobunaga proceeds to break through the glass and enter the room where Kougami and the others are. Satonaka screams and hides behind everyone else, and Gotou goes to defend them, but Kougami doesn't let him, instead he picks up the cake and yells "Happy Birthday!" at Nobunaga, who just kinda stands there because he doesn't understand what the heck's going on. He then goes to attack them, but Gotou fires some rounds at his feet and Nobunaga runs away, escaping from the laboratory.
Enter Eiji and Hina at the wedding ceremony. The priest finishes all his lines and tells him to kiss the bride, and just as they were about to kiss...the director yells cut and tells them they're finished for the day. He hands Eiji the money for being an actor (Hina's cut is included in the envelope) and then Eiji runs off, leaving Hina behind and taking all the money. As she starts to chase after him, she trips over the bridal gown and falls ontop of the director.
The next time we see Eiji, he's in the park and there's a line of people in front of him. And he's handing out the money he made from his part time job to them. Hina comes along and yells at him, but he says he's doing his best to help people, telling her that they all have fallen upon some misfortune and he's helping them get back on their feet. Hina then tells him that that's not what's happening at all, that the reality is that they're taking the money and out buying dresses, or alcohol or lunch or what have you.
Eiji hears a scream from somewhere and he runs to help, and he sees a woman being attacked by a monster. The woman has already collapsed and the monster drops a piece of paper with a symbol on it that it's crossed out. Eiji then changes into OOO Tatoba Combo to fight it. The fight ensues with Eiji switching out the Tora Medal for the Gorilla Medal because the monster is too strong. But in the end, the monster gets away and Eiji reverts back and heads back to Cous Coussier.

Outside the shop, he runs into Nobunaga who Eiji bring into the shop because he has amnesia. While in the shop, Nobunaga tries to take the underwear that Eiji has hanging out of his pocket (to be exact, the underwear he will use for tommorow), so Eiji gives them to him, and he proceeds to put them on his head. So, Eiji then decides the best way to teach Nobu-kun about underwear is to get naked and teach him out to put them on properly. Hina comes in at some point in time and wonders what's going on, and Eiji explains that Nobu-kun has amnesia and that they should help him.

Eiji and Nobu-kun (which is what Eiji is calling him at this point) get some part time jobs together, one of which gets them into some big corporation either cleaning or doing deliveries (the source can't remember exact what they took first) and there's 2 people (the president and possibly the vice president) who are talking about a huge problem they're having with the computer programs and that it will take too long to get them up and running or something along those lines. Nobu-kun sits down and then gets it to work in only a minute or so and they are all very impressed and they offer him a job.
Now cue those same 2 business men at a dance competition, where all the girls are competing for some kind of prize or something or other. They're all dancing like the girls in rap videos and stuff, but not Hina's friend. She refuses to dance like that because she only dances ballet. I'm not quite sure how, but she wound up winning the contest anyway, and then the 4 of them all go back to the shop for celebration food.
Intermediately, in here somewhere (
perhaps while the dance competition was going on, not quite sure) we see some auction going on for some vase that belonged to Oda Nobunaga. All the people there are bidding pretty high for it, but then a voice comes from the crowd that out bids everyone by a very large amount, and then we see Nobu-kun in a business suit in the back. As he's about to claim his victory and get the vase, we here another voice that out bids Nobu, and that voice would belong to none other than Kougami. They have their own little bidding war, that Nobu eventually wins and then Kougami invites him to ride in the car with him, where he proceeds to show him the
Birth Driver and offer him to become the new
Next we have the monster show up again and attack another woman, which Ankh happens to see (I think this was the first time in the entire movie I saw Ankh). He gives chase after the monster but he can't catch him.
After this we have a scene with Nobu sitting in his office, looking at the 2 vases that he's collected so far (still missing one or so it would seem) and then there's a knock at the door and Eiji comes in in a cleaning outfit. Nobu asks him what he's doing here, and Eiji said he got a part time job working here as a janitor and that he was coming to clean the room. Nobu told Eiji he was fired, and that he should leave immediately. Eiji becomes a little sad because Nobu has changed so much and become quite greedy, and he asks him if he's still wearing the underwear that he gave him. Nobu asked him what the hell he was talking about, and then Eiji left.

Next we see Yoshino dancing ballet, and we also see Eiji and Hina watching her practice from the audience seating. But from the backstage area we can see Nobu in his monster form holding a piece of paper with another symbol and just as he's getting ready to go out to kill her, he stops because the girl reminds him of a girl he used to watch dance back when he was still alive and human. So he reverts back to his human form and walks out on stage, declaring that the girl is his item and no one elses. She tells him to let go and slaps him, and runs away from him. Nobu gets pissed and turns back into his Greeed form.
Eiji becomes even sadder that his friend is actually the monster that's been killing people, and he changes into OOO and goes after him. At some point during this fight, Nobu gets hit into a wall and knocks out a chunk of concrete and it falls down and breaks the dancer girl's ankle, and she cries about not being able to dance anymore.
As the fight goes away from the general area we can see a Cell Medal being held by someone off camera and a mysterious voice as it drops the Cell Medal and it turns the girls desire (to be exact, her dancing shoes) into the Female Ptera Yummy.

We come to see the girl in the hospital. Nobu feels bad about what he's done to cause the girl pain, and he gets a change of heart thanks to a talk from Eiji during their previous fight and he uses his power to heal her ankle, but it takes a lot of energy out of him. Now we come to see the Yummy wreaking havoc and was able to meet the four Greeeds in which they commented something about a certain Giru/Gil. Nobu changes into birth and does a lot of badass stuff (such as using the Crane Arm) even though he is in his weakned state. Later, OOO Gatakiriba Combo defeats the Yummy.

Skipping the little bit of stuff I can't remember, we have Dr. Maki showing up and taking 3 black Core Medals that he apparently created and sticking them into Nobu's body, making his Greed take over. He finds Eiji and tells him that he has to kill him, and then he transforms into the more evolved form of his kaijin state (
the one with a big hat and has a mustache). During the fight between them, it shows the ballet dancer dancing on stage during parts of the fight.
OOO defeats Nobunaga using OOO Sagozo Combo, Eiji holds the dying Nobu in his arms while Nobu looks off toward the girl and says that she's really beautiful. He then holds up a flower and says he wants Eiji to give it to her for him, and then he breaks down into nothing but cell medals. Eiji grasps at the medals but then the 3 black Core Medals begin to float up in the air and fly off in the distance and Eiji resolves to go destroy them.
End OOO/Nobunaga part.
minor notes about the film: Yoshino's ballet sequence is too long and apparently, the segment left a lot of mysteries left unanswered.
Also, Eiji is using the
Medal Case instead of Ankh throwing him the Medals. It is not sure why he uses the Medal Case and why Ankh has less screen time in this movie.